Submitted by TigerUSA20 t3_zuh76f in newjersey

Frigid weather continues to impact our service territory along with much of the country, resulting in increased energy use as customers stay warm and gather for the holidays. PJM Interconnection, the electric grid operator for the region, is asking that customers take proactive steps to conserve electricity through 10:00 a.m. tomorrow, December 25.

Here are some simple ways you can reduce energy use:

If health permits, set thermostats at a lower temperature than usual. Turn off non-essential appliances, equipment and electric lights – including holiday lights – that you do not need or are not using. Postpone using major electric household appliances, such as stoves, dishwashers and clothes dryers. Close curtains and blinds to retain warm air inside your home. PJM will continue to monitor conditions and will take additional actions if necessary, which may include the potential for short, rotating customer outages. Acting now to reduce the demand for electricity can help offset the need for additional actions later. Thanks for your help in conserving energy during this period of extreme cold. Stay safe!

For additional cold weather updates, follow us on social media or visit our newsroom.



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Short-Hyena-227 t1_j1j4jkp wrote

Power outage is helping me conserve and I’m freezing at the same time! Good times!


Bodidiva t1_j1j4z7n wrote

Fun fact: my thermostat only goes as high as 70 but this morning when I got up it was 62 inside.


cladtidings t1_j1jaudi wrote

Can we "conserve" when the bill is due too? Oh, I see.


kernelmustard t1_j1jrlu4 wrote

JCP&L marked a dozen+ dead ash trees on my street they were supposed to cut this summer and only did 3 of them. Now 2 have fallen and they're going to pay a crew serious OT to come fix the issue that they knew could have been easily prevented. Meanwhile they tell us all to conserve power because unlike PSE&G they've put profits over customer service.


Hustler_One t1_j1jtdq8 wrote

For as much as I can hate PSE&G at times I am happy to not have JCP&L. After Hurricane Sandy PSE&G put a ton of money upgrading the grid in my area and our lights don't even flicker during the heaviest storms anymore.


PurpleSailor t1_j1kef7x wrote

Heck, the crew from Ohio that restored my hoods power after hurricane Irene said the lines hadn't been worked on since they were put up in the mid 40's. JCP&L is pathetic with their "maintenance". My power goes out so frequently I had to buy a generator.


Pdwizzle t1_j1klxct wrote

Postpone major appliance use? Do they think people buy stoves for shits and giggles?


Educational_Paint987 t1_j1loih5 wrote

To cover for their operational failures?

I didn't see them go easy on consumers when they jacked up their prices.

The only way I am conserving anything this weekend or this coming week is if we lose power.