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Kab9260 t1_j0qqdm5 wrote

Don’t fight it. Do whatever you want to do if you get a few days off. Don’t do things out of obligation.

Worst time of year. Too many forced obligations. I’ve already had to go to 4 holiday parties. Burned out as well.


allo_777 t1_j0rgkyb wrote

Your not alone. The last 2 years have been blahh for me during the Holidays. Honestly, it sounds corny but getting gifts for my friends tends to cheer me up.


kevinAlbs t1_j0qpwlw wrote

It can be especially hard without support from friends or family. One thing I have found helpful was to find a reason to visit friends and family over the holidays. This year, I made cookies and asked friends around if they wanted a delivery.


thistooshallpass11 t1_j0qr0gf wrote

I'd take some time and stroll thru a mall.

Maybe on a weekday so you won't have the irritation of crowds and lack of parking.

Listen to the Christmas music and just enjoy. I'm planning on going to our nearest mall this week to do exactly this and last minute shopping ofc.


LalaOringe t1_j0r14h5 wrote

The only thing I really enjoy about the holidays these days is watching how excited my nieces and nephews get about the littlest things… Christmas lights, baking cookies, a glimpse of Santa, etc. I’m not generally a kid person, but they make me want to do all the holiday things.

If there’s no kids in your family or friend group, it’s time to channel your inner child: make a playlist of your favorite holiday tunes, put up a few easy decorations, bake yourself some holiday treats, and reflect on any small things that really give you joy.


GetOffMyLawn_ t1_j0s5fdz wrote

There’s plenty of fireplace Christmas music vids on YouTube. Jazz, instrumental, whatever. Get yourself some holiday treats and maybe some booze and kick back and relax. Reminisce about Christmas past.


ghost_robot2000 t1_j0sm362 wrote

For me I stopped being able to get into Christmas as I got into my later 20s. A lot of my Christmas traditions/memories were very tied to my grandparents who both died in 2012. It really doesn't seem like it's going to be able to feel like Christmas again without them. I don't have kids of my own to continue traditions with, so they just sorta ended. I usually try to find something unrelated to Christmas to do around this time. This year I'm going to spend it with some friends in Atlantic City who also either don't celebrate Christmas or don't have family to spend it with. Hopefully it will be a good time.


gordonv t1_j0rucu7 wrote

Dude, since November I've been stuck doing mega events for everyone and everything on every weekend. Can't get a break.

It's really burned me out.


CommanderPooPants t1_j0s18wr wrote

Give someone a small gift to open! Something light and a little special


DrGraffix t1_j0s3ruf wrote

Stop watching / reading the “news”. It’s crap and really bad for mental health.


huhzonked t1_j0sn2mu wrote

If you’re able to, buy or make presents for others. Some people get more joy with the giving than the receiving.


Girhinomofe t1_j0rkdxe wrote

You need involvement; you need to get involved in some real Christmas project.

How’d you like to be the director of our Christmas play?


AnNJgal t1_j0uwc63 wrote

I'm with you. I am not buying gifts, putting up a tree, etc. I was "sad", but it's actually quite liberating. Not each year needs to be merry and bright. :)