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puralb t1_iyynxld wrote

They've always been there. You have a bunch that also charge by the hour if you wanna knock boots.


onlyme1984 t1_iyyp1mu wrote

Knocked boots at The Loop yearsss ago 😂


johnnyss1 t1_iz017rl wrote

Remember La mirage, with the gross hot tubs?


coreynj2461 t1_iz01rmx wrote

Wish there were more in the bergen county area lol


_dryp_ t1_iyyw1pk wrote

ive never heard the term "knock boots" before though context clues tell me I might not want to know anyways


prayersforrain t1_iyznph3 wrote

Have sex, fuck and get fucked, do the deed, the horizontal mambo…. Make sense?