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MiloMinderbinder-22 t1_iz107gr wrote

Do you know the backstory out of curiosity? I have always wondered about that...


badquarter t1_iz18p3h wrote

I'm going off memory but there was the one main mod at NYC who didn't allow picture and video posts then started banning people when they complained.


JKastnerPhoto t1_iz1k04c wrote

Yup. Years ago I posted one of my photos /r/NYC and it got me in Time Magazine, which was so amazing for my photo career.... now I was banned for a month for posting (what I feel) was similar content. That sub has gotten pretty harsh.

Edit: unrelated. The Reddit admins permabanned my account for no reason. If there is a reason they won't tell me. If you see this and want to vouch for me, please help. I have no recourse but can somehow edit old comments. I'm on Instagram and Twitter @jimmykastner if you want to reach out.


Danzaslapped t1_iz2koab wrote

What was the picture if you don't mind sharing?


JKastnerPhoto t1_iz2pm4g wrote


theirishcannoli t1_iz1ew41 wrote

Whoever it was banned me for the stupidest thing, when I tried to ask for an explanation my whole reddit account was suspended


Deslah t1_iz1ny8s wrote

> for the stupidest thing

That's exactly what I'd expect anyone who got banned on reddit (and not only on a sub-reddit) to say.


NJ_Legion_Iced_Tea t1_iz2guil wrote

Normally I'd agree but there's a lot of power tripping mods who deserve zero respect