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Mrr_NiceGuy OP t1_j28x1rs wrote

Reply to comment by LosesControl in FMLA Questions by Mrr_NiceGuy

It's crazy how long it takes them to pay out these leaves. So should I submit the first week before I take it or submit it after? Or file after each week? Thank you for your help.


LosesControl t1_j28xeoo wrote

Yeah - it was a pain in the butt/stressful process. Personally I submitted after I took each week and they paid me out for each week individually. It's up to you really. If you'd rather get paid out all at once after you take all your leave, go that route. I was more comfortable getting the money as I took it rather than one lump sum like 8months later.


Mrr_NiceGuy OP t1_j290zn8 wrote

I'm going to file each week like you did and hope for the best. Once again thank you for helping me out! You answered this much better than the response I got from them.


Pinkobi t1_j2e6kfe wrote

Just so that you know. If you file online, you cannot submit future dates or provide additional dates once you take them later on through the website. All extensions are completed by old-school paper. However, you CAN provide an update after you take each week. After your initial claim is approved (no matter how you apply: paper or online) you can use the printable application to extend your claim. Download/print the FL-1 application off the website and complete a new intermittent schedule after you take each. chunk of time. Be sure to SIGN and DATE that section of the form. Do NOT predate it or leave the signature date blank, that will result in those dates not being updated in your claim. The rest of the application need not be sent in...just that intermittent schedule portion. You don't need to wait on the FL3 extension form. Once you get an FL3 form, you can photocopy it and reuse it as you'd like. :)

Btw: FLI and TDI has an excellent customer service email under their "Contact Us" area if you ever need it moving forward.

I hope this is of assistance.


Pinkobi t1_j2e7idk wrote

Initial web claims are being done in about 3-4 weeks right now. Extension times fluctuate.