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kamikazeknifer t1_j1i376y wrote

Ignore the "mortgage or bust" people. I can't find a similarly sized house that, after mortgage, PMI, property tax, etc, is cheaper than my current apartment in a multifamily home. It's always at least $600/mo more, often more than $1k more. Maybe if you move to East Bumfukkit in South Jersey, but at that point you might as well move out of NJ entirely.


amplifiedgamerz t1_j1ig3bd wrote

I’m not a mortgage or bust person. OP said they wanted to buy a house.


ScuttleCrab729 OP t1_j1ira78 wrote

Yea we shopped for a house the past year. For what we’re currently paying we’d get a rundown 2 bed 1 bath shack in the sticks that’d probably need a new roof within the first week. Rent is expensive but still the better choice until rates come down or we have a major down payment.