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coreynj2461 t1_j13p24v wrote

But its been 'coming soon' the last year


jerseycityfrankie t1_j13troc wrote

Jersey City’s “Whole Foods” would like a word. Folks in town, years on, now starting to believe it was a hoax all along.


L0v3_1s_War OP t1_j146ysz wrote

That’s what I thought at first but they are hiring, so it looks like H Mart is much closer to getting the store ready to open.


sirusfox t1_j167rhl wrote

And how long did it take them to build the mall in the first place, let's keep some perspective here.


coreynj2461 t1_j18j18r wrote

Lol I remember when it was supposed to open in 2007