[deleted] OP t1_j1snlkr wrote
I'm not shitposting here, man. I'm from a small town in Saskatchewan, and I recently got a work visa to work in Newark as a software engineer. This is the first time that I'll be living in a big city, and crime is something that I'm not used to. Small-town living is quite different from what you city folks live like day to day.
[deleted] OP t1_j1sx1b6 wrote
[deleted] OP t1_j1syr67 wrote
There actually is a town called Dog River, but it's a ghost town; nobody lives there anymore, though it's a nice place to visit. Wullerton isn't a real place, so you're just further perpetuating the stereotype that Americans are bad at geography. I went to Carleton and graduated from there this year and I'm getting a job in Newark. I'm not sure where this hostility comes from, we Canadians are quite capable of getting jobs in the States. We're not some magical creatures that ride polar bears to get to work.
[deleted] OP t1_j1szz0l wrote
[deleted] OP t1_j1t0mec wrote
I lived in a small town about an hour away from Carleton; hence I've been in a small town for most of my life. I actually finished a good chunk of my schooling online, so I only ever spent four semesters in Carleton. You can look up how long Carleton went online if you don't believe me. So I've actually never lived in a big city before.
Educational_Paint987 t1_j1sme1p wrote
Hmm not sure if this is a joke or an actual post...it seems that watching the Sopranos had some effect on you.
NJ has some of the toughest gun laws in the country so nobody will great you with gun shots instead of good morning...criminals are not usually the morning type anyway.
Having said that if you google safe areas of Newark you should get some good suggestions of where to look for housing but most people would advise you find housing outside newark and just commute there (find a place close to train stations). Driving is the go to transporation mode around here.
Finally welcome to NJ! You can catch hockey games at Prudential center home of nj devils and newark has a short commute to nyc so you shouldnt get bored for a while!
[deleted] OP t1_j1sn3bs wrote
Thanks. I'll keep your advice in mind. I'm from a small town in Saskatchewan, and there is no crime here unless you count the guy who does donuts in the empty parking lots. People here literally leave their doors unlocked and everyone knows each other. So just trying to prepare for what comes my way. And I've never watched the Sopranos, I've heard of it but I thought that the show was about singers or something.
Educational_Paint987 t1_j1so0c4 wrote
Haha its about Mafia in NJ. Greatest TV show!
Yeah Newark is gonna be a totally new experience for you but it's not actually that big. There are dodgy places and some people will defo look dodgy to you but nobody will bother you during the day. Print a map of the areas where you will be and research it online. Best ways to get and out. also, I always see cops everywhere when I am there.
[deleted] OP t1_j1soq2q wrote
Good to know. I'll keep that in mind. I'll ask around the neighborhood which areas to stay away from. And I'll give the show a shot; maybe it will help me get to know NJ better.
Funny_Breadfruit_413 t1_j1sm19y wrote
You're not making a great impression.
[deleted] OP t1_j1smepx wrote
I'm not running a popularity contest over here , Funny_Breadfruit_413. I'm running a business.
tduke65 t1_j1sp8gk wrote
Go fuck yourself
[deleted] OP t1_j1spnhn wrote
Ohh! You blow your mother with that mouth?
Boblovespickles t1_j1st65l wrote
Well, you have the right attitude. You will be fine. Leave your guns at home and don't say good morning.
[deleted] OP t1_j1snvx4 wrote
Smacpats111111 t1_j1swrag wrote
Great comment, I 100% agree with everything here. Only thing is that he also can drive in from a better area if he doesn’t mind the increased risk of heart attack from driving on 78/turnpike.
[deleted] OP t1_j1sqhwy wrote
The people should have the right to defend themselves; it makes sense not to have them in a small town where there's no crime. But in a big city like this, people should be strapped to defend themselves from criminals.
Crime in this city is out of control. I'm going down to Gunther’s Guns and picking up a gun. I’m going to go out and buy some more. And I think you should, too. Don’t be a victim. It’s time to fight back!
TheYoungSquirrel t1_j1sx3kv wrote
Go to jail. Do not pass go.
You’re talking NJ not the Wild West.
LiveAtTheShakeShack t1_j1so3dc wrote
Maybe just stay in Canada my dude. Got a feeling not gonna work out for you here.
[deleted] OP t1_j1spi50 wrote
I will return to Canada; just hoping to get job experience here. While Canada may be a better country, there aren't a lot of job opportunities here for me. Meanwhile, in the States, there are a lot more positions open.
Heavy-Lemon1458 t1_j1ssikq wrote
>While Canada may be a better country...
Lol! Walk around Newark and say that to everyone you encounter. Your shooting fantasy may actually come true.
[deleted] OP t1_j1szus7 wrote
That portly fella over there reminds me of my uncle Umberto from the old country, not sure why he's winking, maybe he has some eye condition.
tony_boxacannoli t1_j1snjlt wrote
>is it true you Yanks are always strapped like Frank Reynolds in it's always sunny
..that's philly...not nj
[deleted] OP t1_j1snwsq wrote
I used to know a guy named Philly; he was always talking about the duration of his long-term incarceration, can't remember how long it was.
SnooWords4839 t1_j1so0df wrote
No one in my family has a gun. You will find out most of NJ is nothing like on TV.
Just don't be and Ahole and you s/b fine.
Left lanes are for passing, slower cars to the right.
[deleted] OP t1_j1sp93z wrote
We have that as well in Canada. But we have a special lane for mooses as they migrate north.
Yzelski t1_j1sqmkw wrote
Your rent will be a bigger problem than guns. And it's US$. Hope your salary is $200K.
[deleted] OP t1_j1srcpy wrote
In Canada, if you want to get a lucrative job in my industry, you can either live in Toronto or Vancouver. That's it. The rents are so high in those two places that it's cheaper for me to move to Newark. It's hard to believe, but that's the reality many young Canadians face, and the cost of living is cheaper here. The grass is always greener on the other side, my friend.
[deleted] OP t1_j1ssuwz wrote
[deleted] OP t1_j1sxpi4 wrote
I'm a proud prairie boy; I used to work on a farm in the summers and wake up to 20 feet in the snow in the winters. While city life may be different, it's a transition I must make to have a career. I only have a few options in my small town apart from working in the Timmies or going to the oil patch. And I have family here to help guide me along the way.
[deleted] OP t1_j1t0euq wrote
ianisms10 t1_j1stcd2 wrote
Welcome! I wouldn't recommend living in Newark, but there are a lot of nice towns in the surrounding area. Some are more desirable than others based on your age and whether or not you have kids, but regardless of what you're looking for, there are options. And New Jersey has some of the strictest gun laws in America, so no need to worry.
BoomTownRat71 t1_j1spape wrote
If this is for real, you’re comparing apples to a nuclear war head.
onlyletters999 t1_j1sr8hl wrote
If you are from the area with the oil & gas fracking you are gonna be in a totally different world.
zstandig t1_j1swv7x wrote
You have to let some guy pump your gas for you, we celebrate thanksgiving in November, the only good American Maple Syrup comes from Vermont
andystak t1_j1synsx wrote
We have standards here for intelligence. NJ doesn’t suffer fools. I’m sure you’ll end up back in Timbuktu or wherever ever the fuck before you know it…
[deleted] OP t1_j1sz3yc wrote
Yes, because Canada incorporated Timbuktu in 1867 after confederation. You're just further perpetuating the stereotype that Americans are deficient in geography.
iberian_prince t1_j1t0q9w wrote
If you like iberian or Brazilian food you just food to the perfect place lmao
[deleted] OP t1_j1sl060 wrote
structuremonkey t1_j1sl3o5 wrote
NJ has some of the toughest gun laws in the States...it's rare to see a gun unless it's on a cop or you are at a shooting range.
There has always been an organized crime presence. If it's still there, it's pretty deeply hidden. It would be exceptionally rare for any normal, average Joe to have any interactions or issues in this world.
Like everyone else, you generally just have to watch out for the random stuff...
[deleted] OP t1_j1sm47d wrote
Yeah but criminals don't really care about gun laws. It's not like a criminal looks up the gun laws, sees it's illegal to have one, calls it a day, and proceeds to go knitting or something. I guess I'll have to get strapped as well and start practicing at the gun range.
Meem-Thief t1_j1spowx wrote
The vast majority of guns are bought legally, and get stolen from idiots who don’t know how to lock them in a safe or coincidentally “disappear” in a boating accident and 500 dollars magically end up in the owner’s bank account shortly afterwards
Less gun ownership = less guns overall
TheYoungSquirrel t1_j1sxgaw wrote
That isn’t how it works in America. Please stay in Canada.
[deleted] OP t1_j1sy7ii wrote
Are you actually lecturing me about gun violence here? Canada doesn't have as many shootings per capita, and we don't have school shootings every week. I'm not sure what point you're making here. Canada is by literally every metric a far safer place.
TheYoungSquirrel t1_j1syg6t wrote
So stay there for your safety and ours.
[deleted] OP t1_j1sznjj wrote
Nah, you know what, I'm staying here permanently. See you around.
structuremonkey t1_j1sqhhy wrote
Yeah...good luck with that... You can't conceal or open carry in NJ without meeting very strict criteria...it isn't like the rest of the country...
Academic-Summer-3438 t1_j1slgyz wrote
Nice shitpost.