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KeeblerElvis t1_j1r1t2g wrote

I never make the mistake of going to American Dream.


toomanychoicess t1_j1rxmlh wrote

I haven’t yet made that mistake and I have no plans to make it anytime soon.


brantlyr OP t1_j1s2nbh wrote

Other than todays parking situation I’ve never had a bad time there 🤷🏻‍♂️ I can see why some wouldn’t like it but I have a pretty fun crew with me


elenasleeps t1_j1sctze wrote

To be honest, the mall had potential but sadly Covid happened. The intent was great..


freedom_now3 t1_j1u44sz wrote

American Dream is a great mall. What malls do you prefer instead? You seem just like a sour scrooge. Most people shouldn’t listen to you.


KeeblerElvis t1_j1u4g6a wrote

Not a scrooge, just tired of malls. I live about a mile from the Garden State Plaza, so sitting in traffic to go to a different mall doesn't make sense to me. Paramus Park has easy parking, too.


L0v3_1s_War t1_j29697g wrote

Easy parking, not a lot to offer, although I guess that’s the point. Paramus Park gears more towards locals, whereas American Dream caters to tourists & people from NY.


Thromkai t1_j1ugix0 wrote

Yeah, at this point it's just a Reddit parrot/popular thing for upvotes to just trash a thing.

I've enjoyed my visits to American Dream. It's not for everyone. People can hate malls, it's fine, but it's almost too excessive at this point.


freedom_now3 t1_j212n4m wrote

Agreed exactly. And if they don’t like the place, then they shouldn’t go. They shouldn’t ruin it for others.


op00to t1_j1uopf1 wrote

Why would I ever go to a mall? If I want to walk, I can walk around my town's downtown area. If I want to buy some clothes, I buy it on the internet. If it doesn't fit, every place has free returns. Malls should close and be replaced with parks or something.


freedom_now3 t1_j211kfj wrote

Why would anyone else NOT go to a mall? Just because you like something else, doesn’t mean everyone else likes it either


op00to t1_j215ag2 wrote

Why not go to the mall?

  • I can support local businesses instead
  • I can buy the same shit usually for cheaper online
  • I can save on gas, tolls, and parking
  • I won't get trapped in a parking garage
  • I don't have to look for a parking spot
  • There's no waiting on line at Macy's for the one register
  • One word: teenagers
  • They frown when you drink at the mall, but I can drink while I shop at home

freedom_now3 t1_j22pugp wrote

Then go do that. Other people still like going to the mall. And that includes me. Now you go ahead and stay away from the malls then.


ElderberryExternal99 t1_j1r382j wrote

Rule # 1 Never ever go to a Mall the day after Christmas! Rule # 2 see rule #1


c_maxine t1_j1s1ohd wrote

Yup! As someone who worked in retail for 10+ years (and actually enjoyed it!) I can tell you that the only day that came close to breaking me was always the day after Christmas. Christmas Eve and Black Friday were easy and fun, nothing compared to Dec 26.


freedom_now3 t1_j1sqsi2 wrote

Why the day after Christmas?


smurfetteshat t1_j1sqx7z wrote

Returns plus shoppers


freedom_now3 t1_j1srkny wrote

I see, thanks.


smurfetteshat t1_j1sru8w wrote

Better description should be gift card shoppers but bored shoppers too since it’s a holiday for some


freedom_now3 t1_j1ss87t wrote

True. Are you in NJ and by that American Dream Mall ?


smurfetteshat t1_j1st43q wrote

I’ve never been there and it is basically brand new - some of this case may be the weather and that it’s usually not a crowded place (I think) plus NYC Christmas tourism, but the comment you asked is from someone who worked elsewhere so my comment is more generic for why it’s a busy shopping day


op00to t1_j1uojl2 wrote

Rule #1 don't go to the mall in the first place. Free mail returns, yall.


Theminecraf72 t1_j1rod8l wrote

Bro that is every mall in America rightnow


brantlyr OP t1_j1rssrb wrote

This was next level, I assure you. But yes, I’m an idiot for even trying lol


outcome--independent t1_j1rw593 wrote

Fuck... I'm omw right now... :/


brantlyr OP t1_j1rwu8c wrote

I guess it might be better by now…but I would turn around if I were you. Wasted 1.5hrs of my life in a gridlocked parking garage, didn’t even get out of the car just peaced out 👍


outcome--independent t1_j1rxchb wrote

They should have parking garage cams so you can check what the situation is before going... Like trail cams at snow resorts.


HeshootsHescores88 t1_j1s8bir wrote

That would discourage people from going though, the opposite of what is good for profits. They just hope you suffer and find a spot “since you drove all this way anyway” because you’ll probably spend money while you are there.

I agree though it would be nice to see but highly unlikely to be implemented


Summoarpleaz t1_j1sdf7l wrote

And if you finally find parking, you better make the trip worth it… spend spend spend!


storm2k t1_j1stfal wrote

more malls should do what the garden state plaza has done with its garages that let you know how many spots are available in each garage and on each level. it's not a perfect system but it makes it easier.


outcome--independent t1_j1svboo wrote

Can't believe they don't already have a capacity monitor in place. I feel like it's pretty standard for modern parking lots. As big a deal the build was for this place, I'm baffled.


TimSPC t1_j1rg2p1 wrote

No one goes there. It's too crowded.


BoujeeMomme t1_j1r28bx wrote

I was thinking of going but at the last second decided not to and now seeing your post makes me soooooo happy that I did not 🙂

I'll just go take a nap yay!!


brantlyr OP t1_j1rfhk9 wrote

Just wanted to see the aquarium, lost roughly an hour and a half in the parking fiasco..immediately tried to leave as soon as we got there but it was a total gridlock. Nap was the way to go!!


BoujeeMomme t1_j1rg22v wrote

Awwww I'm sorry if you weren't able to at least see the aquarium!?!?

Guess we need to remember on these days after a holiday it's really best to just stay home since everyone will be out and about for rhe obvious reasons.

This entire week with no school it'll be crowded everywhere. We're going day skiing one day this week and expect it to be busy.


BenBishopsButt t1_j1rnjm3 wrote

I was going to take my kids to Sesame Place, but my husband forgot my daughter’s thick coat at school. Kind of glad for that now.

Just gonna stick to the library and movies I guess. Maaaaaybe the science center if I’m feeling adventurous. Luckily we have a bunch of new distractions thanks to the holidays so hopefully they’ll be content.


BoujeeMomme t1_j1ruq9j wrote

There's a lot of other choices to go to for the kids and they'll enjoy regardless.

The temperatures should get higher later this week so we're hoping that may be best when to go skiing for the day.


BenBishopsButt t1_j1rx1od wrote

Yeah, mine went to Narnia today; aka my in-laws house 😂

My daughter is still in daycare, so I signed my son up for a couple of drop in days there too. Wednesday we are going to see Puss in Boots and Friday remains to be planned. But we aren’t going to American Dream, that’s for sure.


storm2k t1_j1stl0i wrote

we went to lsc during the week between christmas and new years like 5 years ago (whenever they had the star trek exhibit) and woof. packed to the gills, not a super pleasant experience.


fitzgeraldc3 t1_j1rhhzk wrote

Just drove past on route 3 on the way to the city. Looked absolutely awful.


YaBoyLaKroy t1_j1sfe0w wrote

the only mistake is that mall.

1b in tax payer money, we should be furious.


yuckyd t1_j1sx4re wrote

Fuck that place.


freedom_now3 t1_j1u4b2m wrote

Why are you cursing? What has that mall done to you? If you don’t like it then don’t go, you miserable p.o.s. Other people like it


hombre_lobo t1_j1u9kof wrote

This mall is like the Walmart of malls. Trash


Thromkai t1_j1ugn9z wrote

No it's not. Some of y'all are dramatic as fuck and it shows. There are far worse malls in just New Jersey alone that's Walmart of malls.


hombre_lobo t1_j1uhzyy wrote

Have you seen the people there? I guess someone getting shot and killed is just drama for you.


op00to t1_j1uouys wrote

kinda weird you're defending a mall.


yuckyd t1_j1u7i5u wrote

It exists. Obviously you are new to jersey if you don’t understand how much of a shitshow and waste of tax payer money it was and how no one wanted it there. So like I said, fuck that place. I hope it sinks into the meadowlands.


freedom_now3 t1_j23lzj3 wrote

LoL, i gotta admit, the last part of your post was funny. Hahahahhaa


op00to t1_j1uotg0 wrote

it's stolen 1b of taxpayers money for a goddamn mall that we already have plenty of. that's what it did to me. think of all the free preschool and all day kindergarten we could do with $1,000,000,000.


markaritaville t1_j1sfec3 wrote

Kinda happy they actually have enough people going there to make it a traffic nightmare.


lilgoat20 t1_j1sjpfu wrote

First mistake was going there in the first place


darkace10 t1_j1r81f7 wrote

Currently Stuck in this gridlock INSIDE parking lot


brantlyr OP t1_j1rcih4 wrote

Hope you made it out, we were in the actual garage for 40 minutes, idk how long in total before and after the gates. As soon as we got it we immediately tried to leave but no one was going ANYWHERE. Brutal.


darkace10 t1_j1rgz1o wrote

Luckily as we were going on the loop to get out. A car pulled out in front of us and we were able to pull in. Right next to one of the entrances of the mall. But it was a longggg hour from entering the gates


bunnyhop2005 t1_j1riaeb wrote

Stuck in the parking garage for the last I don’t even know how long. Horrific. They could at least waive the $5 parking fee to get cars out faster. Is it worth calling the state police to at least complain about the mismanagement?


brantlyr OP t1_j1rk4rp wrote

Idk what they would do but maybe 🤷🏻‍♂️ they should have been turning people away SOOOOO much sooner. I mean I figured it was going to be busy but that was next level


darkace10 t1_j1rl9tt wrote

Ohh was that why there was a holdup on cars exiting? I was wondering what was going on that made the outgoing traffic standstill. Was saying the same thing to myself - they definitely should wave parking today. No reason to pay for parking if you were just stuck in gridlock


brantlyr OP t1_j1rught wrote

I don’t even think the pay gates were the bottleneck, I think it was just how idiotically engineered the parking infrastructure is. At least where we were at even after we got through the gate it was still another 15+ minutes till we got back out on the road to get the F out of that hellscape lol


47-is-a-prime-number t1_j1ssw4x wrote

Everyday is a bad day to go to American Dream Mall. That place is a nightmare.


brantlyr OP t1_j1sz567 wrote

I’ve had several good days there. My only issue today was parking. Do retail stores frighten you?


Jrzgrl1119 t1_j1sw0kq wrote

My American dream is to never enter a mall


LeagueMysterious2896 t1_j1rc2qa wrote

Is parking still free or do you have to pay now?


brantlyr OP t1_j1re13a wrote

You have to pay $5, before today I haven’t really minded much. I have an 11 month old and it’s a pretty solid spot for us to go walk around all day with plenty of activities for when it’s cold and we’ve never had any issue parking before. But after today I think we’ll figure something else out!


obsessedsolutions t1_j1rqkej wrote

Avoid that place lol


brantlyr OP t1_j1rtlsd wrote

It’s a nice place to hang with our kid, but I get it’s a miserable place for most people, as it was for us today.


Sk8ngWST t1_j1rwzg3 wrote

Misserable in what way?...i got mixed reviews and i was also thinking on going there please someone tell me


brantlyr OP t1_j1ry8o8 wrote

Sorry, the actual mall itself my family finds enjoyable, you’ll hear a lot of people on here give it a lot of hate. But for my situation it’s a nice place to escape the cold for the day. However, the parking situation today was a nightmare. We were stuck in bumper to bumper traffic trying find a spot for roughly 1.5hrs. We just left eventually, I’ve never seen it like that before for what that’s worth! And after I get over the horror of today I’ll probably go back lol.


b_like_mike4 t1_j1ryxca wrote

Lol cmon OP, that is an extreme rookie move there. You must be new to the state


thisnewsight t1_j1s2rm4 wrote

Mondays: Returns central and gift card spending.

Big mistake lol


Pumchnjerz t1_j1rvrwh wrote

Which deck was this or did they all have the problem?


brantlyr OP t1_j1rxvqr wrote

All, even the off-ramp before you turn in was backed up. Every intersection surrounding the mall and every level were all gridlocked. Insane. I’ve never seen it like that before and there was no apparent problem other than…shitty design? I guess?


edifice_of_memory t1_j1s9n7n wrote

i went in the AM and left by 130, I had parking super close but when I left there were 3 cars waiting for my spot and it got so ugly :T even at 130 took me like 20mins to leave the mall.


ScarletKnight096 t1_j1swcb9 wrote

Why do people go to mall to start with??


brantlyr OP t1_j1syt9k wrote

My kid thinks the aquarium is cool, sorry if I upset you!


ScarletKnight096 t1_j1szmm5 wrote

No not at all, it is very expensive, driving not as fun. it is becoming more common to see shootings at malls, that is why I avoid them. Primarily I order online, and many do that, or outlet malls on weekdays


guacamole579 t1_j1sb6j9 wrote

We almost went to American Dream because we were bored but then I had to run out to my tiny local mall and that was a mess so we decided against it. I think everyone had the same idea. It’s friggin’ cold and you just want to get out of the house for a couple hours. When my kids were little we used to hit up palisades a lot on Sundays in the winter because it was so big with lots to do. Good waste of time.


elenasleeps t1_j1scorn wrote

I made the mistake once this summer ..


codeslap t1_j1sf490 wrote

Rofl we went and arrived at 11a left at 2 and saw the line coming in… wow never saw anything like that before at American dream. To think it might only get worse as more stores start to come online


idkinfo t1_j1sigmh wrote

Why? Seriously. Why?


brantlyr OP t1_j1sj9sq wrote

You guys on your anti-AD high horse are a lot. If you’re actually interested I’ve explained why it’s a great spot for my family to go in several other responses. If you’re just triggered I’m sorry I ruined your day.


hfhifi t1_j1sy5nq wrote

I spoke to someone earlier who was there this afternoon. She had made some returns at Garden State Plaza, then went to AD. She said it was out of control compared to GSP because they were untrained and understaffed.

Regardless, NEVER go to return anything the day after Christmas unless you resign yourself to hell. I spent years in retail and December 26th was always the worst working day of the year.


brantlyr OP t1_j1syo4r wrote

I didn’t even get out of my car, as soon as we saw how busy it was we tried to bounce but traffic was gridlocked. Took us around an hour and a half and we didn’t even step foot inside lol


hfhifi t1_j1szwqz wrote

What doubled the pain was that a lot of people had the day off to make up for Christmas falling over a weekend. Otherwise, they might have waited till a weekday evening or next weekend.


idkinfo t1_j1sjgih wrote

It’s ok lesson learned I was traumatized as a kid by Newport. We all have to live the lesson.


ghostpos1 t1_j1soq8b wrote

The American Dream is, in part, why people hate this state.


storm2k t1_j1st9x8 wrote

i drove past the bridgewater commons this afternoon and while the traffic was more or less light for the most part, there was a long line of cars exiting onto commons way to get to the mall. boxing day is not the day to ever go near a mall. great day for the supermarket tho.


hfhifi t1_j1sxi6w wrote

A long time ago I worked in the returns department of a major Consumer Electronics chain. I arrived at work on December 26th and the line of people waiting to return Christmas presents went half way around the large store. Worst day of my time there.


sonofmalachy t1_j1uhxzq wrote

I can see this mall from my living room in Rutherford, NJ. Never been in it. In fact the only mall I've stepped into in the last 15 years was Garden State Plaza and that's only to go to the movies.


Mysterious-Singer-90 t1_j1ulrsw wrote

I would rather crap in my pants than waste my day parking/fighting crowds/eating mall food/stand on long lines!!!!


Uncleknuckle36 t1_j1uogef wrote

I try not to make mistakes any more….one of them is..I’M NEVER GOING TO AMERICAN DREAM


Mercurydriver t1_j1rrrvx wrote

I’m surprised the American Dream Mall even has this much traffic. Idk much about it, but from what I understand the mall isn’t exactly close to anything or convenient to get to. Like, if I’m leaving my job in NYC and thinking “Oh on the way home I should buy a gift for mom’s birthday” I’m not going to make the effort to go to the ADM.


brantlyr OP t1_j1rt9h7 wrote

It’s nice for us but I totally see where you’re coming from. We don’t even go necessarily for the “mall” experience, it’s just nice to have such a big open place to walk around with our 11 month old when it’s cold 🤷🏻‍♂️ dumb of us to try and go today though for sure


GooseNYC t1_j1rzil1 wrote

I only made the mistake of going to American Dream once, and that was a while ago.


sovinyl t1_j1sq4c9 wrote

I was there 3 weeks ago. It took 15 minutes with a small line of cars to get out of the garage. I think some people forget to pay before going back to their car and then have an issue at the gate.


[deleted] t1_j1z13v2 wrote



sovinyl t1_j1z76c3 wrote

Agreed! I just couldn’t remember seeing any “pay before you leave” signs at the mall exit. If there aren’t any, they really need to install them to avoid delays at the gates.


WhatIsTickyTacky t1_j1srv7q wrote

It’s never been like that in the times we’ve gone before. We just totally forgot about the day after Christmas nonsense. That parking traffic was no joke.


Cr1msonC0met t1_j1t4c4m wrote

Shit was crazy! I almost got run over by those ride on animal things too many damn times


[deleted] t1_j1z0zwl wrote



Cr1msonC0met t1_j1z5lh1 wrote

I would love to think that they will progress with that, but based solely on the look of the mall as I wandered. I feel that the owners/management are less concerned about the customers and more on simply filling up the mall with stores. Which fair, I mean rent pays the bills, but like I get hit by some kid on a koala and I could care less about the Superstore.

They need a lot of changes, none of which will ever come.


[deleted] t1_j1za47w wrote



Cr1msonC0met t1_j1zpy40 wrote

I would like to see a better way finding system (being a graphic designer I am very into navigation and directional signage). As it seems as if there are major advertisements which direct you in general directions, but nothing like a large and comprehensive map. I am aware that there are directories, but I watch multiple people struggle with them.

I would like some sort of general traffic control (just in general for all malls) where people are not coming at you at all times.

I am not a fan of the parking cost, but I understand the need.

I would also simply like it if the mall was build with the stores all moving in a township expansion. Where there is a main land of shops which are all in the same area with the empty spaces all in their own location instead of the vast mass stores abutt with complete empty walls. It feels less like a shopping outing and more of a treasure hunt in a small city which has been stricken by foreclosures


arber-s t1_j1ta4a2 wrote

bruh i went to garden state plaza. waste of time i didnt even get shit


DatabaseFamous632 t1_j1tz6c6 wrote

I went to Monmouth mall last week, it’s sad seeing so many empty stores. Guess everyone shops online now, I used to love to go to look at all the pretty girls, now all you see are grandmothers lol


Ok-Concentrate-9316 t1_j1uaoua wrote

Just randomly saw this post. Didn’t expect the mall to be this swamped, I guess the economy Is doing well then. I feel that the pandemic has boosted the population significantly. It’s never this busy everywhere.


Monmouthshore1 t1_j1uj570 wrote

i steer clear of north jersey generally..


moonkad t1_j1uvcvp wrote

Thinking of going tomorrow or the day after, hopefully it’s better


[deleted] t1_j1wxoll wrote



brantlyr OP t1_j1wyeig wrote

Got it, thanks. The point of the post is that the parking lot was in gridlock for hours. There are news articles about it if you’re curious. I was just trying to go to the aquarium with my family, sorry you had to take time out of your day to mansplain post Christmas retail to me.


freedom_now3 t1_j1squ4q wrote

I did not go, but American Dream seems like a great mall


brantlyr OP t1_j1szkmr wrote

Apparently it’s illegal for a NJ resident to say this, but I quite like it. Tons of space to walk around with my kid out of the cold. Today was a bit of a sour note, the parking situation was unreal, but it’s also my fault for trying to go the day after Christmas. None of the other times I’ve gone have we had any issues and frankly it’s so big it’s never felt super busy when I’ve been there even.


Medical_Document_807 t1_j1uf49k wrote

I’m not an actual New Jersey person so that’s probably why I have no issues with American Dream lol. I went super late around 8:30pm and it was the busiest I’ve ever seen it (granted I’ve only been a couple times). We didn’t have issue with parking but I think any issues yesterday had to do with it being the day after Christmas. Might be busy all week since folks are out of school and work until the new year. Any other time I’ve gone during the day, it was a breeze!


Amazing-Stranger8791 t1_j1t7dih wrote

why is everyone hating on american dream mall? i like the mall, yea it’s a crowded mall but it’s essentially a tourist attraction with all the attractions they have there. but i also ALMOST made the mistake of going to the mall today but luckily talked myself out of it


Thromkai t1_j1ugqhm wrote

ITT: All the same tired jokes about "I'd never go there, it's trash."

It was funny months ago.
