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outcome--independent t1_j25yir7 wrote

You can't have tinted windows? I see them everywhere.


fizz306 t1_j267ms4 wrote

Mainly on off duty officer's cars.


streamlinkguy t1_j29bf1q wrote

On their personal cars?


fizz306 t1_j2axda6 wrote

You've never driven past a police department's parking lot where officers park their personal vehicles?


Blackoutsmackout t1_j2c5uar wrote

Ya this guy was in front of me at a stop light...LE plate black all around. sitting at the green for 5 seconds probably sending important police texts.


SweetWaterSurprise t1_j26wtkp wrote

Window tint is a reason to look in your car for something more serious. That's all they care about. Minimally they can give you the $50 fine, but the real goal is that you have anything legitimate to get you for. Just like the license plate frame deal.


ZookeepergameOk8231 t1_j27f6jh wrote

Exactly. Probable cause has been expanded to anything you can think of. Once they have you pulled over, it is game on to see if they can get in the vehicle to search it and run everything through the computer. All about generating cash.


Jake_FromStateFarm27 t1_j27ismj wrote

Probable cause has not been expanded in NJ if anything it's been far more hindered than anything in NJ recently. Don't wanna get your car searched don't keep firearms and ammo in plain sight together, don't have booze or drugs in the front cockpit visibly or smell of booze (NJ you cannot be searched based on smell of cannabis when pulled over which imo is wrong so many people smoking and driving since legalization and nothing we can do about it and there's been a raise in auto accidents since), don't have anything you're not supposed to in plain site and keep it in your trunk or in the back.

That all said, on a serious note if tints are more allowed and not a trqckable offensive I fear there will more likely be a raise in kidnapping or sexual assault events since you can fully enshroud your vehicle. This makes it easier for predators to manipulate those kidnapped and harder for them to send a distress signal in transit or when pulled over. I'm all for tints for eye sight purposes but you genuinely do not need it to be surround pitch limo black. Gradient options are just as effective and protective for real medical needs especially since most windshields nowadays are also polarized which is supposed to significantly help with light and glare.


riajairam t1_j27pusz wrote

Yes some years ago I got pulled over for an improper right turn on red. Cop made sure he looked in my rear windshield into the cargo area. Probably was checking for firearms or other weapons. He let me go.


pleiop t1_j263lim wrote

You can't tint the front wind shield and the two front side windows. Cops barely enforce it though. So it's a gamble. Mines are tinted. I figure if I get ticketed every couple of years its worth it 🤷‍♂️


zoicyte t1_j265zqi wrote

Same with the front license plate: legally you’re supposed to have plates on front and back of cars in nj but I haven’t installed a front plate on any of my cars since 2009 bc fuck that shit.

I haven’t gotten a ticket for lacking a front plate once. Not once.


VividToe t1_j26cnw8 wrote

What’s the issue with having a front plate?


megandr t1_j26plng wrote

Drilling holes in bumper when you have a nice car. Plus they're ugly.

Actually on one of my old car the factory license plate holder was covering intercooler so not only it was ugly, it was also hindering performance in one way or another.


zoicyte t1_j2768l4 wrote

The hole drilling is the main thing for me.

That and the fact that front plates aren’t universally required kinda makes it obvious no one is dying over the issue. Cops need to see them when they’re talking you. I don’t drive backward that often.


LupusDeiEl t1_j260ua8 wrote

It depends on the VLT. I have my windows light tint, how it came, and have yet any issues with law.