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coreynj2461 t1_j0did67 wrote

What streets are the clifton shortcuts?


robronanea OP t1_j0djaqn wrote

The street behind Trader Joe's, Brook, Van Houten. Shhh don't tell anyone


TimSPC t1_j0dmxpj wrote

> The street behind Trader Joe's,

Delete this.


hopopo t1_j0dromt wrote

Don't repeat it. Also, delete that.


sovinyl t1_j0edr0v wrote

Way to blow the locals spot. 😂


ShalomRPh t1_j0fa6iz wrote

Van Houten isn’t the greatest idea. Lots of lights. One lane each way, one double parked car will block you. Also when it snows, they just plow to the sides, and it gets narrower and narrower, when you go past School 3 there’s barely room for one lane between the parked cars as you near springtime.


WredditSmark t1_j0g4tx8 wrote

Yup and the after school traffic is worse then rush house, every car has some screaming kids in it alongside the distracted by cell phone drivers.