Submitted by kenshion072 t3_zn21w9 in newjersey

My sister and I are considering moving to New Jersey but right by New York. So close to the Path train and either Jersey City, Harrison, Kearny, Edgewater, you get the idea. We found a place that goes for $3k and between me and my sister, we'd both pay 1,500 which is very doable for us. However, before making the move, I am very curious what everyone else's cost of living is.

Discounting miscellaneous stuff like eating out or getting Starbucks and obviously the rent, what is your typical electric, groceries, and anything that I might be missing, total?



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Salty_Kangaroo_4522 t1_j0ejatp wrote

It is very high and the income taxes are very high as well. Maybe not as high as the city but close.


Academic-Summer-3438 t1_j0esdqs wrote

Its expensive as fuck to live in NJ and the closer you are to the city, the worse it gets.


matt151617 t1_j0eu3gc wrote

Electric- around $155/month for gas and electric (evenly spread out). Groceries- $100/week for 2 people. Water, internet, cell phone, sewer, car insurance, streaming services, etc... it's about $900 month for the absolute basics besides rent.


BYNX0 t1_j0f6rpq wrote

Jersey city and Hoboken are insanely expensive. Unless you have a lot extra than just the rent prices, look somewhere else. I recommend Hackensack, Paramus or Clifton. Kearny may also work


Getbu5yliving t1_j0fultc wrote

Will you have a car? There’s gas, car payments, insurance, and maintenance. Also parking permits for some towns. Are utilities covered in your rent? Utilities will vary - for us much higher in colder months. Health insurance cost also varies a lot. I’m not going to directly answer this question since it varies so much that it might not be accurate to your personal situation.


jcord821 t1_j0fzv2k wrote

i would estimate 5k a month for my family of 4.


stickman07738 t1_j0g0oon wrote

On your gas, electric, water bill, sign up for the budget plan - you will be charged the same amount every month (for me typically ($200 total) . Groceries - is dependent on what you eat - I got no advise.


International-Yak119 t1_j0ghzhl wrote

Well, I got a job and I tried to put my money away, but I got debts that no honest man can pay.


Hippokrates t1_j0gkzy7 wrote

When I lived in NJ last year

Monthly take home: ~5000

Expenses: Rent: $1470. ~700sq ft

Utilities: $75

Food: $400

Gas: $200

Car Insurance: $200

Internet: $80

Cats: $200

Total: $2500

Left over: $2500

Lived in North Arlington

Did not have health insurance.


MrLurker698 t1_j0go3ye wrote

I live in a 2 person, 2 bedroom apartment in Jersey City. Average we spend monthly on groceries is probably 500-600. Electric bill averages $150-$200 but we have electric heat so it’ll be less if your apartment is efficient. We have 1 car which costs us 300/mo to park, 100/mo insurance, average 200/mo gas and maintenance.


Artistic-Cycle-6674 t1_j0gs6td wrote

Monthly taken home between husband and I: $22,000 after taxes

Mortgage: $5,000 (includes property tax)

Leases on cars: $1,000

Home bills: $300

Groceries: $800-$1,000


BobbyBolo5150 t1_j0h4l19 wrote

Living in Morristown for a bit I was paying 1850 for my apartment, then a couple hundred for utilities and internet