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Entire_Temporary7678 t1_j56sir7 wrote

I think this is a common translation error from Spanish/Portuguese. My friends and I have been going to eat down neck in Newark for years and have seen the same th after the date on countless advertisements/flyers posted at the bars and restaurants. Always made us laugh too


whaler76 t1_j57ljqs wrote

Down neck? Where the hell are you from? Hahaha (all in good fun)


Entire_Temporary7678 t1_j57mz53 wrote

If you were from anywhere near newark you'd know! What is now the portuguese/brazilian section of the city has gone by that moniker since at least the 40s/50s when my italian grandparents lived in newark before the riots


whaler76 t1_j57x0eo wrote

👍 interesting. I’m not far from Newark but don’t go there regularly. Most of my family was Jersey city way back when.