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whatsasimba t1_j6bwdcu wrote

No description of the car, driver, or plate, despite all of those things being on the app. No link to an article. No phone number or town for the police.

It's horrifying all right.


Boring_Language5662 OP t1_j6cnpxp wrote

Toyota Prius from CT with license plate AY72981. The driver’s name is Rafael.

This was legitimately my first post to Reddit and this group wouldn’t allow me to share the images. I thought sharing the story from a local mother was more important than anything else.


Satanic_Doge t1_j6d02m4 wrote

You didn't do anything wrong. Don't listen to these asshole haters.


Boring_Language5662 OP t1_j6d0o1h wrote

Thanks. The point wasn’t about justice or finding the bad guy, but about paying attention to your surroundings and actions of others.

I’m somewhat amused but the haters this morning. Must have a lot of free time to let something. Like this ruffle their feathers. Have a lovely weekend. 😉


HobbitFoot t1_j6d52pn wrote

Well, what are you trying to share?

If it is to be on the lookout for a rapist, then having the description of the rapist would be important.

Beyond that, it just feels like a random story meant to instill fear rather than do anything. At least for Uber, you can call for help in the app or just call 911 if shit is going sideways like this.


Boring_Language5662 OP t1_j6d5xdu wrote

Completely fair and valid points. I originally attached images but it said this group didn’t allow them. Probably user error. Personally I believe it is best that the police handle the “lookout” component since they have the vehicle, name, and I’m sure tracking of the accused. However I was thinking along the terms of how I rarely pay attention in the back seat of a car service vehicle. I putz on my phone and keep my head down. Perhaps we’d all be better off if we were a little less trusting and a little more cautious. And if that can help one person in the future I’ll gladly take all the negative comments and BS from keyboard warriors.


seaurchin-ceviche t1_j6d2ti4 wrote

What’s horrifying is the high and mighty attitude of people in this sub - regardless of the topic