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guacamole579 t1_j6czj4a wrote

I used to rely on taxi services when I was younger and living in a small city in NJ, because we didn’t own a car. You are absolutely correct about the difference between an Uber/Lyft and a taxi service. The taxi service needs to have proper approvals and licenses from the municipal government in order to establish a business. Their employees also need to be on the books and background checked with good driving history. When I relied on taxi services I knew most of the drivers that picked me up and I never felt unsafe. The dispatcher even knew our names. When I visit my old hood I still see a couple retired drivers because they lived where they worked.

There’s a reason cities do not want Uber/Lyft operating within their jurisdiction. Drivers are not background checked, drivers are also exploited by these companies and the gig economy which is complete bullshit.

I have told my neighbor to stop letting his teenage daughter take an Uber home, especially since I work in town and have the flexibility to pick up my kids, I could pick his up as well without any burden. I still see her coming in and out of the Uber and it terrifies me.


JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j6iaccf wrote

This the most Karen comment I've ever read. I'm way more scared getting into some beat up taxi than a modern Uber/Lyft with a digital location record and location sharing and driver's name. How about you stop worrying about your neighbor's parenting decisions. I know I'd be annoyed if I couldn't even see my daughter come home every day without someone yelling from across the street about how bad a parent I am.


Surfiswhereufindit t1_j6d4tbb wrote

And again, just to be clear here… in my other comments I am not trying to say that ALL Uber and Lyft drivers are horrible humans. Majority of them are honest hard working folks trying to make ends meet in our brutal corrupted economic system in this country. And they also are victims of this horrible heartless gig economy where only the millionaires and billionaires who run the industry prosper. Doordash and the like are just as awful to the workers.

The entire ride share industry needs to be abolished. I’m not holding my breath on that ever happening.


Rude-Bison-2050 t1_j6fyboq wrote

Ah so confirmed a cabbie whose bad service is running them outta a job


JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j6ib43w wrote

So you want to make me pay $30 extra every time I need to go to the airport for a WORSE experience? Not happening.