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Danitay t1_j5pgl54 wrote

IMO you’re better off getting an energy audit and upgrading your attic insulation via air sealing top plates and blown in cellulose (high ROI) vs penny pinching gas suppliers. This was our gas energy use before and after new insulation + air sealing:

You need to keep the heat in. Also we’ve found if we lower the downstairs furnace to 68° overnight and then bump it to 70°— that burns 30 mins of gas. If we just left it to 70° all night, it would run the same runtimes as if it was 68°. We can maintain it better because of the insulation.


jdash OP t1_j5r5nwg wrote

Thanks for this reply. We have been procrastinating doing any work because we expect to sell in the next 2-3 years but this sounds like a wise and simple decision.


Lemongirllucy t1_j5t9obl wrote

Who did you use for your energy audit? I know PSEG has a program. Any recommendations?


nancymeadows242 t1_j5tdeqk wrote

Done all that as I am just finishing up a down to stud reno and my gas usage is still up ~30% from last year, same period. December of this year compared to January of last year when the temps were similar.

In comparison, in 2021 and 2022 after the insulation air sealing was just done, my usage was down. This year the thermostat is lower than ever


ChocoTacoKid t1_j5uh3ic wrote

Just curious what the cost was to air seal the attic and your time to break even on this project? Did you do the project yourself or hire it out? Any recommendations on companies?


Danitay t1_j5uqk1y wrote

Total cost out of pocket hired out: $7k (we have 2 attics). We got $2k cash rebate from NJ Clean Energy Program, so $5k all in. We save about $815/year on energy costs so break even is around 6 years. They removed all the old fiberglass, vacuumed everything out and hauled away the debris. Air sealing took a full day, insulation about half a day. Two separate blower door tests (before and after) to show the 20% improved tightness data.


ChocoTacoKid t1_j5uv5ui wrote

Thanks! Guessing mine might be a little cheaper with a single attic on 1500 sqft home. Might have to look into this myself. Getting a home energy audit soon to figure out where my biggest leaks are. $315 bill last month 😅