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Linenoise77 t1_j5unie1 wrote

A couple of things:

  1. You have no guarantee the solar company will be around to honor their claims down the road.

  2. Those panels are tied to a lien on your house. If you plan on selling, you either need a buyer who is cool and will assume your payments (you won't find one), or you need to pay out the solar company. You will also have people who outright won't want solar roofs, because they are concerned about leaks, maintaining the roof moving forward, etc.

  3. What they are telling you they will generate assumes peak conditions. I'm going to assume you use electricity on cloudy days, at night, etc. Are YOU selling the power back to the grid, and in such an amount that your nighttime costs are covered?

I've looked into it a few times, and ONLY if you have the right type of land and roof, and ONLY if you outright buy the system, and not finance it through some rando solar company, have the numbers really made sense. Otherwise the ROI is so far out on it that by the time you get half way there, a better technology would have stepped in.


capttony84 t1_j5uq9uq wrote

most of what you're talking about here is covered in their analysis (assuming they know what the hell they're doing). There is no mention of the TREC's/SREC's which are more valuable than the power itself.