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s55555s t1_j537s8e wrote

I would also go to your manager’s boss ASAP and explain.


HistoricalMap6718 OP t1_j53ak3s wrote

the hiring manger or the manger who texted me that i was “not a good fit”


s55555s t1_j53gg7r wrote

I would go to whomever is running the place- franchise owner?


ardent_wolf t1_j551ttc wrote

Don’t bother going to anyone at this company. They clearly don’t care, and you’re probably not the first person this has happened to. Just report them and let the state fine them for this. The DoL will get you your money especially with the screenshots of your schedule. They fucked around, let them find out. You don’t owe them a courtesy, and if the ‘owner’ has such little involvement that they don’t know this is happening that’s on them. Not your problem to fix.