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lost_in_life_34 t1_j33ddhb wrote

After decades of living in NYC I finally move to the suburbs and I’m greeted with all these no right turn on red signs


Zealousideal_Egg5071 t1_j33g9bm wrote

Actually, it is pretty useful since not all states permit right turn on red, like New York


SKOLorion t1_j33iugf wrote

I agree with the point, but it's illegal in NY.

a. Traffic facing a steady circular red signal may cautiously enter the intersection to make a right turn after stopping as required by paragraph one of this subdivision, except that right turning traffic is not required to stop when a steady right green arrow signal is shown at the same time. Such traffic shall yield the right-of-way to pedestrians within a marked or unmarked crosswalk at the intersection and to other traffic lawfully using the intersection;

SOURCE: Article 24 Section 1111


metsurf t1_j33vyk6 wrote

Illegal in NYC not the whole state.


SKOLorion t1_j342kw2 wrote

That law is for NY state and not specific to NYC.


metsurf t1_j34ocyj wrote

The original comment states right turn on red is illegal in NY . It’s isn’t in most of NY state.


111110100101 t1_j3518gm wrote

NYC is able to overrule the Vehicle and Traffic Law and set their own traffic rules per VTL 1642


lividtaffy t1_j34182t wrote

It’s specific to the city:

> You cannot make a turn at a red light if there is a NO TURN ON RED sign posted or another sign, signal or pavement marking prevents the turn. You are not allowed to turn on a red light in New York City unless a sign that permits it is posted.

Source: NYC Driver’s Manuel Chapter 4,go%20when%20it%20is%20safe.

Reddit won’t let me post the link as a hyperlink for some reason


SKOLorion t1_j342fjc wrote

I don't think we're debating if you can't turn at a red light with a NO TURN ON RED sign. That's pretty clear. We're talking about whether you have to stop before turning when that sign isn't present.


lividtaffy t1_j346vpe wrote

The paragraph above the one I quoted covers that, you have to come to a complete stop then check to make sure the intersection is clear before you can go. Afaik that’s how all turn on red laws work, I’m not aware of any that allow you to roll through a right on red.


Complete-Delivery221 t1_j33kdlb wrote

I know exactly where this is in Harrison. Its actually very purposeful, but perhaps unclear and rarely adhered to. The street OP is on is Harrison Ave.... the street emptying in is 1st street. Tons of trucks come into and out of 1st street from the few remaining warehouses in the area. Lots of them have to make that left towards Newark.

People in that right lane where the picture is taken from usually pull up all the way to the corner on a red light instead of that line where the sign is. It causes issues when those 18 wheelers turning out of 1st street can't make that left turn because a car has rolled up to the corner to make that right on red.


saytn OP t1_j33o0du wrote

I see that issue all the time. I am always just amused by this sign because it's saying what the law in place already says. A right turn on red is legal after a stop at every intersection in the state, unless prohibited by a sign. So with the sign there or without it, the rules are the same at that intersection.


whatsnewpussyfart t1_j33p5kj wrote

In Highland Park there are "no turn on red when children are present signs". I don't think it was ever enforced even by HP cops.


moudine t1_j33prjm wrote

Anything related to "when children are present" always struck me as odd. Am I to sense every child in the vicinity?

Or: "...during school hours" how tf am I supposed to know when school lets out?

"Deaf child in area" well keep him out of the front yard! Sheesh


rockmasterflex t1_j348e6p wrote

The rule is there such that if you did hit a child they could slam you with extra penalties.

It has nothing to do with proactive protection.


GsilentT t1_j34cm8f wrote

If I’m not mistaken, the “when children are present” is a separate sign underneath the “no turn on red” signs. I always get confused by them.


SKOLorion t1_j33kh14 wrote

Not from here originally, so this is making me really wonder. Isn't it illegal to turn on a red light before stopping? I found this in NJ code:

39:4-115. b. intending to turn right at an intersection where traffic is controlled by a traffic control signal shall, unless an official sign of the State, municipality, or county authority having jurisdiction over the intersection prohibits the same, proceed to make the turn upon a "stop" or "caution" signal with proper care to avoid accidents after coming to a full stop, observing traffic in all directions, yielding to other vehicular traffic traveling in a direction in which the turn will be made, and stopping and remaining stopped for pedestrians crossing the roadway within a marked crosswalk, or at an unmarked crosswalk, into which the driver is turning.


saytn OP t1_j33nh2y wrote

Yes, you are correct. My way of thinking that it is pointless was that legally, you are allowed to make a right turn on red after a full stop, so long as there isn't a no turn on red sign. Which is what this sign is saying. So in effect, the sign is stating exactly what the law you're quoting is saying. It's the same with the sign there as it is without it.


SKOLorion t1_j33now9 wrote

Ahhhhh, got it, Sir. Thanks for the clarification. FWIW, most NJ drivers DON'T stop before turning right. lol


remarkability t1_j37lmyw wrote

That’s how all white-background signs work, like speed limits or parking regulations. Those laws exist and apply to the road without the sign, these white-background signs are simply reminders of the existing law.


saytn OP t1_j3b0a35 wrote

In my mind, speed limits exist on every road, but I don't know what that limit is everywhere. And I know there are parking regulations, but don't know if it's street cleaning or free parking for all eternity. Those signs are still useful for someone like me who doesn't have them all memorized for every road I'll be on. This sign is just restarting the same applicable law with no updated information, so seems quite useless to me.


coreynj2461 t1_j33z1v8 wrote

When getting on 208 or 21 "No horses allowed"


saytn OP t1_j34t8vq wrote

But have you ever seen a horse on 208 or 21? Clearly the signs work, haha


R-code t1_j34z3za wrote

I respectfully submit every “delayed green” sign in this state… I will go when it turns green, I don’t care it it’s early, on time, late, delayed… just let me know when it’s green (and the shitheads in BMWs and Dodge Rams are done running the red three seconds after it changed) and then I’ll go.

Most useless sign ever.


myothercarisaboson t1_j358uzv wrote

Haha thank you! Those signs shit me, half because of how obvious it is, half because apparently it is necessary to remind people that they need to wait until their light turns green.


ApplianceHealer t1_j36uqm9 wrote

I’ve seen at least one the reads “Delayed Green — WAIT” That town’s highway dept knew their audience.

And the occasional stop sign with the added statement “Opposing traffic does not stop”


sutisuc t1_j34hv89 wrote

Ugh fucking Harrison. I bet you won’t miss driving around there. Where are you headed?


saytn OP t1_j34tm91 wrote

Headed for southern Cali. Gonna miss this place for sure though, even with the roads in Harrison.


sutisuc t1_j34vaf3 wrote

Oh shit California is great I’m jealous. One of the few states I’d rather live in than NJ.


genius96 t1_j37ss5a wrote

You're trading pizza, bagels and Indian food, for great Mexican and Asian cuisine. Don't worry about the roads, you'll get worse roads for higher taxes.


erection_specialist t1_j34s5rc wrote

There's one in Princeton at a traffic light that says "wait for green"


GoldenAlexanders t1_j33btqh wrote

Good luck in foreign lands, and come back someday. Safe travels!


saytn OP t1_j33ell6 wrote

Thanks! We're definitely not ruling out returning when we get tired of shitty pizza and bagels and diners and delis and tomatoes and beaches and drivers and music and... Wait, why are we leaving again?


banders5144 t1_j33uwc8 wrote

Where to?


saytn OP t1_j34t3w3 wrote

Moving out to southern Cali, where the weather is as nice as it has been here last week 🤣


tony_boxacannoli t1_j37vote wrote

getta here ya bum! who needs youse anyway?


congrats and I'm looking forward to putting nj in my rear view soon too.


avd706 t1_j340h8f wrote

So long and thanks for all the fish.


saytn OP t1_j34u0rz wrote

I'll be sure to bring my towel!


sonofabutch t1_j34c0u4 wrote

In all my years of driving, I have yet to see a Falling Rock.


StsOxnardPC t1_j3520ia wrote

‘Road wet when raining’, is one i recall, but that might have been on an old episode of AFHV….


jjwalker67 t1_j33boay wrote

Not useless at all you know many dumbasses I sit behind who just sit there at a red light when they can make a right turn after they stop.

Then, again, those same dumbasses probably wont be reading the sign. 😂


OMGSpeci t1_j33fl3y wrote

See, what I was imagining was somebody not stopping at all, just hauling ass through the right turn


remarkability t1_j37m759 wrote

Turning right on red is merely an option given to the driver at the intersection, not a requirement. Some don’t feel comfortable making a conflicting turn, and that’s ok. They might also have seen a hazardous situation that you don’t.


jjwalker67 t1_j37ye17 wrote

There’s nothing conflicting about it. You stop make sure its clear then you go. If one is uncomfortable about it then perhaps more training is needed.

Curious where is the statute saying it is an option?


remarkability t1_j382u03 wrote

by conflict, I mean that the turn itself logically conflicts with pedestrians/bicyclists/perpendicular vehicle traffic going across the intersection on their green light, and potentially also people in the parallel crosswalk finishing their movement.

The statute is here:

Turning right (on green or red) requires that:

  1. the driver intends to turn
  2. the intersection is controlled by a signal or officer
  3. proper care is taken to prohibit accidents by the driver

Additionally, if the light is red, it is required for the driver to:

  1. not turn if there is a sign disallowing a turn on red
  2. come to a full stop
  3. observe traffic in ALL directions
  4. yield to vehicles traveling in the direction of the turn
  5. stop and remaining stopped for pedestrians crossing the roadway in a marked or unmarked crosswalk
  6. make the turn from and to the rightmost part of both roads unless posted otherwise.
  7. Only then shall they proceed to make a turn.

First, a driver can choose to not intend to turn right until there's a green light. Second, a driver is required to take proper care to prevent accidents and observe traffic in all directions, yielding to vehicles and pedestrians. Turning right on red is inherently more dangerous than proceeding on a green signal. They might observe traffic and take proper care longer than you'd do it, and might consume the entire red light depending on their judgment, and that's ok.

Both of these happen in time before the "shall proceed" section.


jjwalker67 t1_j38639y wrote

First, I appreciate you taking the time to post this. However I still don't find it appropriate to sit there and hold up traffic because one feels uncomfortable. Get training.

An uncomfortable driver is a dangerous driver. Reminds me of a comment I left about some driver testing locations in NJ do this on a closed circuit! Simple ridiculous.


playdohplaydate t1_j33he0v wrote

The signs pointing me to the Express lanes of the Parkway


Kjpilot t1_j34iunf wrote

Good bye you lucky bastard! Where are you going?


saytn OP t1_j3573ax wrote

Going to sunny southern Cali!


saytn OP t1_j373jhk wrote

Going to sunny Southern Cali!


whotfiszutls t1_j34kp3b wrote

What a coincidence, I’ve also lived here 2 decades and I’m moving out tomorrow


saytn OP t1_j34tnwt wrote

Well good luck to you! Where are you headed?


whotfiszutls t1_j354lim wrote

Good luck to you as well! I’m moving to Orlando, FL. Where are you headed?


saytn OP t1_j3575so wrote

I'm going to south California. Clearly we are two people tired of the cold, huh?


whotfiszutls t1_j35ep96 wrote

Lmaoo yes, exactly. I was actually born in SoCal, I love it out there. Enjoy, my friend!


BobbyG-68 t1_j37sar2 wrote

Farewell, friend. Wherever you may be NJ will ALWAYS be part of your DNA.


Quietguy3691 t1_j37urti wrote

Just saw this same sign on Harrison ave in Kearny lol


radlink14 t1_j38d0he wrote

Where are you moving to and why? If you don't mind sharing.

And congrats? Hopefully it's a positive move.


saytn OP t1_j3c88fc wrote

Thanks! Headed for southern California! Occupational reasons. And to stay warm lol


radlink14 t1_j3c8eb3 wrote

Oh I'm jealous. That's my home state. You'll love it. Wish I could be there instead of here.


Veccsiepooo t1_j34hios wrote

The one that says no turn on red, im going anyway


NJPokerJ t1_j374qr8 wrote

There's a sign in front of my mom's house that says NO TURN ON RED and then underneath in smaller letters it says when children are present. And there's never any children in that intersection because the sign was made for a school that's no longer in use. Only thing that sign does is identity the out of towners that don't know they can turn on red. Constant honks. Also we were happy to have you.