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fizz306 t1_j3ez5bo wrote

Why just medical patients?


Anon-a-mess t1_j3f1dr9 wrote

I’m guessing it’s a foot in the door approach


blastoisexy t1_j3f8a8r wrote

Was gonna say, just let everyone grow. Could happen but might take a while. MJ at the dispensaries are super overpriced and taxed heavily. Growing would undercut that pretty hard.


AbazabaYouMyOnlyFren t1_j3h7ech wrote

Doubtful. That's a lot of work and it's expensive. Sure, some will try it, most will fail and it will be like anything else you could grow yourself.

How many people do you know that grow their own corn?


bobbyamerica t1_j3h8pyf wrote

r/spacebuckets The initial investment is a little pricey, but once you’re set up you save a bunch. Corn requires a good sized plot of land and machinery to process. Additionally, how many people do you know that grow their own tomato, peppers, squash, etc?


AbazabaYouMyOnlyFren t1_j3h9tvp wrote

That's literally my point.

Marijuana has specific requirements as well, you can't just grow any seed into a plant and just harvest when it's ready. You have to separate male from female plants to keep the female from being fertilized by the pollen and grow seeds. They need proper nutrients, humidity, heat and light in order to grow. Then there's all kinds of things you need to know bout properly trimming them etc...

I read an article years ago about this, the whole male female plant thing was a big surprise to me. I picked corn as an example, because it's not as easy as something like zucchini, which grows like crazy.


IronSeagull t1_j3ft91x wrote

This petition is over 2 years old, we hadn't even voted on the recreational use referendum yet. OP is confused.


CaptainTurdfinger t1_j3gzu8r wrote

What referendum you talking about? There's already recreational dispensaries open.


IronSeagull t1_j3hcct6 wrote

We voted on it 2 years ago. This petition is 2 years old.


5two1 t1_j3hq1g6 wrote

The answer is simple. NJ politicians, lawyers, and lobbyists have been making sure it’s hard for regular working class NJ residents be permitted to enter into the industry. The insiders are setting it up so there’s no competition, just giving the industry over to established companies that have the funds to produce at a large scale from the start. Eliminating small businesses from ever having a chance; and the insiders friends get the largest new industry in the 21st century handed to them on a silver platter. Often companies that lobbied to keep it criminal. Actually, they kept it criminal to grow for that very reason. Even though voters overwhelmingly clearly wanted and thought they voted for legalization.

Look at the ATF. Their reasoning is that making moonshine and weapons is dangerous. And they could try to claim they don’t want people to grow because molds can be problematic and cause health problems. There’s other real estate/ insurance related reasons too, because of fire hazards(hence states using 12 plant limit laws. But it’s really bullshit. They want to force everyone to buy from corruptly establishes companies/industries from “out of state” who’ve bribed the NJ politicians. That simple. They also want to keep the price higher than the highes5 black market prices to maximize tax revenue to further their pork spending. If they allow for patients then they have no justification for keeping it illegal for everyone else, because they can’t go claiming they’re trying to protect our health. Again, it’s all bullshit reasoning because the same issues that apply to tomatoes apply to growin* herb.


zstandig t1_j3fgdz3 wrote

It's just gardening, there's much worse hobbies one could have


Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j3fittz wrote

that's grossly over simplifying things. like making crystal meth is just chemistry


NPHMctweeds t1_j3fs8jh wrote

That is a ridiculous comparison.


Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j3fsxyl wrote

So are you saying I didn't grossly oversimplified the production of crystal meth? Or are you saying calling growing medical marijuana simply gardening isn't a gross oversimplification? I think both are similar in the sense that they grossly oversimplify the production of the drug and the reasons for it.


Mysticpoisen t1_j3gcb13 wrote

I think many people have things in their gardens that are more difficult to produce than cannabis. It's called weed for a reason. You plant a seed, let it grow, cut it down and dry it. It's not cocaine or heroin requiring multiple stages of processing and manufacture. Gardening is pretty accurate, I'd say. It really is that simple.


Cweid t1_j3hflgu wrote

Absolutely. I’m originally from Oregon. Just about everyone I know out there that smokes weed and has any amount of land grows at least a couple of plants. Some grow great weed. Some grow shitty weed. If they end up with shitty weed, oh no, they have to go to the dispo where ounces start at $30.


dethskwirl t1_j3gzzb5 wrote

it is completely legal to grow Slavia, Poppy, Tobacco, any grain or fruit to be fermented and distilled, yet you cannot grow cannabis.

your snarky little statement is not relevant to this discussion.


Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j3hbdq7 wrote

And how are growing those things relevant to the discussion? Is there a reasons you didn't mention more commonly home gardened plants like tomatoes or basil or sunflowers? Is it because the use of the plant as a drug is relevant to the conversation? It's like simply calling it gardening removes some important context, huh.


dethskwirl t1_j3hdthj wrote

I mentioned those plants specifically because you can simply grow them in your garden legally like tomatoes, basil, and sunflower; however, you cannot grow cannabis in your garden. Growing those plants gives you the raw materials to make illegal or mind altering substances.

your analogy that gardening is to cannabis like chemistry is to methamphetamine in a legal sense does not hold water.


Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j3hedmd wrote

I made it clear that my criticism was the over simplification of what they wrote. So I was making an analogy in the literary sense, not a legal sense. I agree, they are dissimilar legal situations.


dethskwirl t1_j3herqb wrote

well then you're being disingenuous to the actual discussion and its not helpful or needed in this conversation.


Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j3hhdp0 wrote

I disagree. I think the poster I replied to was not being helpful to the conversation by grossly over simplifying the activity and leaving out important context. I think pointing out this shortcoming is useful to promote a conversation that includes necessary context


Mysticpoisen t1_j3jo4wm wrote

Yet for every comment you've made you haven't actually added any context. Would you like to educate us on the context of how growing cannabis isn't gardening?


Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j3jrj62 wrote

I've added plenty of context in other comments in this post. I never claimed it isn't gardening, I said it's a gross oversimplification. It's an accurate statement, just like saying producing crystal meth is just practicing chemistry. But they both omit important context. You can look up my. Other comments about how i take issue with trusting the general public over medical experts on deciding public health policies. And to add on to that I think it's a bad idea to trust the general public with unsupervised product and distribution of prescription medicine.

Now if they called cultivating recreational/non-prescription medical marijuana simply gardening, I feel that needs a lot less context.


Mysticpoisen t1_j3jzldj wrote

>Now if they called cultivating recreational/non-prescription medical marijuana simply gardening, I feel that needs a lot less context.

Wow, the lengths you've gone to split a hair the size of a proton. I feel as if you aren't very familiar with the state of medical cannabis. A doctor doesn't tell you exactly to the gram how much you need to take, and the product is identical to that sold in recreational dispensaries. So your argument, even if it had ANY validity to it all, would be symbolic and mean nothing. And none of it all has to do with cannabis cultivation being gardening.


Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j3k1zx8 wrote

I disagree it's a meaningless symbol. I think State endorsement is a meaningful symbol. You have so many people who think it is legal to use marijuana in the state when it is still against federal law and illegal to use in the state. While some people understand the distinction between state and federal law and how they interact, many people hear "New Jersey legalized marijuana" and assume use is legal in the state when in fact it isn't.

But yea, the farce of medical marijuana is silly and dumb. As you point out, there are no controls on quantity of medication to take or anything. We all know the majority of people used medical cards to obtain recreational marijuana. so why is it limited to medical marijuana patients and not for everyone?

And right, all of that has to do with the cannabis cultivation being described in the petition, not gardening. Hence why I said gardening is a poor choice of words.


Mysticpoisen t1_j3k2qrm wrote

So, it's not cultivation, just deep rooted state-instilled fear of a plant that's got you in a twist. It's okay to be afraid, but I promise it isn't that scary. Prohibition doesn't help anybody.


Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j3k340p wrote

How did the state cause you to be scared of a plant? And who said prohibition is helpful?


jjb89 t1_j3i0f5d wrote

lol I love this place. this is so true


therealpetejm t1_j3gq222 wrote

The problem with these petition sites is that by signing the petition, you give them the right to sell your email address and/or send you messages on the regular. Plus in this case their owning corporation can send you messages (looks to be a political org who owns them)

While I'm in favor of growing, I'm also in favor of not getting more spam messages.


climbhigher420 t1_j3joqee wrote

Too many Republicans in NJ they don’t support this type of freedom.


Direct_Wasabi5091 t1_j4a4uis wrote

Well I guess you asked if someone gets off medical marijuana verses the average drug. I guess it would depend on the user but it’s def not addicting and doesn’t cause side effects like other prescription pills when you stop using it


Direct_Wasabi5091 t1_j4a4v9p wrote

Well I guess you asked if someone gets off medical marijuana verses the average drug. I guess it would depend on the user but it’s def not addicting and doesn’t cause side effects like other prescription pills when you stop using it


Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j3fir40 wrote

it's already been decriminalized for recreational use. let's stop this farce of the whole medical thing. I won't say the FDA and formal medical doctors are the end all be all of medical care, but I certainly trust them more than the average NJ voter to decide what should count as medicine and to pass medical laws. The idea of these weed doctor's offices was a joke


polchickenpotpie t1_j3gsw0y wrote

Except there are countless medical studies out there about how it can help with neuropathic pain, conducted by actual experts, but keep using your ignorant boomer talking points about "weed doctors"


Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j3ha6d5 wrote

Right, so you are saying I should trust actual experts who do studies. That's what I'm saying. I trust actual experts over the general public. That's why I'd rather leave it to the FDA or the experts over a public referendum or otherwise trust the decision to the general public. I'm confused with what you are trying to tell me. Should I trust the experts or should I trust the general public more?

But the effectiveness of weed as a medicine is a completely different conversation than the one around weed doctors. I'm talking about the doctor's offices where they seem to be operating around the cure first then look for symptoms to fit the cure. The ones people recommend when people ask where they can easily get a .medical marijuana card without having a particular illness they need to treat. The ones where they advertise something weed related on their signage or advertising campaign and who suggest very few other treatments other than marijuana.


polchickenpotpie t1_j3hdr9z wrote

Who exactly do you think is prescribing weed? Some surfer dude in a lab coat?

You're arguing over a made up boogeyman. Actual doctors get you a medical Marijuana card, and even if they didn't weed isn't dangerous. I know Nancy Reagan convinced you it's the Devil's lettuce, but if you actually trust experts you'd realize you're being contradictory in your beliefs. Your worries about fake cards means jack when teens can just buy it off some random guy at a party every day, it's a moot arguing point.

Weed doesn't give you or people around you lung canger like nicotine. It's not addictive like nicotine, alcohol, opioids or hard drugs. It's not the leading cause of vehicular deaths like alcohol, it's not even near the top of the list. It has benefits for people like my father in law, who is a Desert Storm veteran and has had it prescribed by his doctor for nerve damage and PTSD.

You're just ignorant and trying to justify that ignorance with a made up scenario of quacks prescribing cards, as if this would have any sort of negative effect on society at large even if it was true. Meanwhile, over 30 Americans die every day due to drunk driving accidents, but I'm sure you're not going to get on a soapbox about the dangers of alcohol.


Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j3hg8qm wrote

Nancy Regan? How old do you think I am? You sure I wasn't in diapers while she was relevant?

I'm not on a soap box talking about the dangers of marijuana either. I was talking about the dangers of leaving medical policy decisions to the public rather than to experts. Alcohol is not prescribed as a treatment for anything and doctors very often advise against consumption. I'm not sure of the relevance alcohol has to the conversation. You seem to be confusing the issue of recreational marijuana with medical marijuana. And that's my point. Voters often vote on medical marijuana issues as if they are recreational marijuana issues.


Direct_Wasabi5091 t1_j3gopks wrote

I trust my medical weed more than the pills 💊 the drs hand out like nothing to me🤷🏼‍♀️ I can safely assume you have none of the qualifying conditions to get your medical card since it helps people.. it also has been shown to cure cancer and they can’t have that there’s no money in someone who’s cured 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ all the meds drs give you are basically to keep you sick… or you would get off them…. No money for them in a cure ….


Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j3hbtbp wrote

So how often do people with medical marijuana cards get off marijuana? More often then the average drug?


zstandig t1_j4a3j8y wrote

I actually tried it and got off of it as it didn't do anything for me. I mailed the card back even since it's state property


Direct_Wasabi5091 t1_j4a3kdd wrote

Alcohols more dangerous 🤷🏼‍♀️


Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j4a3xqg wrote

Sorry, I guess I didn't make it too clear, I was referring to drugs prescribed by a doctor.


Direct_Wasabi5091 t1_j4a4dvc wrote

You specifically said marijuana so did you mean that or scripts for pills?


Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j4a4nqq wrote

I specifically said medical marijuana, so that would fall under prescription medicine. I'm including marijuana obtained with a medical card, pills, and all other prescription medicine when i say the average drug.

My point is, lots of people don't get off medical marijuana, does that lead to the conclusion it makes them sick? if not, why do you arrive at that conclusion for other prescribed drugs? if there is no money in curing people does that mean the medical marijuana business wants to keep you down?


Direct_Wasabi5091 t1_j4a4y5g wrote

Well I guess you asked if someone gets off medical marijuana verses the average drug. I guess it would depend on the user but it’s def not addicting & doesn’t cause side effects like other prescription pills when you stop using it 🤷🏼‍♀️


Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j4a55nx wrote

but how often do weed doctors ask their patients to get off it? Do they often suggest regular follow up appointments after they prescribe a medical card? or are they not very concerned if people stay on the medication indefinitely?


Direct_Wasabi5091 t1_j4a5tq6 wrote

Im not sure I haven’t been asked to get off. Yes they refill the script can be 3 months, 6, 9 up too a year. Then every 2 years you need to renew the card. You would still have to have the qualifying medical condition a lot are uncurable chrons, MS, Parkinson’s, terminal cancer children under 18 with terminal illness etc


Direct_Wasabi5091 t1_j4a5x9d wrote

Im not sure I haven’t been asked to get off. Yes they refill the script can be 3 months, 6, 9 up too a year. Then every 2 years you need to renew the card. You would still have to have the qualifying medical condition a lot are uncurable chrons, MS, Parkinson’s, terminal cancer children under 18 with terminal illness etc idk why you you refer to them as “weed drs” my drs my primary and hes in a family practice he sees adults and children 🤷🏼‍♀️ doesn’t have to be a “weed dr”


Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j4a74s1 wrote

because if you refer to the original comment I made, it was a criticism of the type of doctors that put writing marijuana prescriptions front and center on their advertising and signage. The ones who are often used by people who want a medical marijuana card for recreational use rather than a pressing medical need. That's what I was talking about

and on the other subject, you criticized all other drugs as being a scam that keeps people sick when people need to use them indefinitely and don't cure a disease. is insulin a scam? is medicine used to regulate blood pressure a scam? My point is, just because it isn't intended to cure a disease doesn't mean the doctors/medical industry want you sick. As you pointed out, marijuana is a drug that is not intended to be cure anything but rather be used indefinitely.

You are not applying the same logical reasoning to marijuana that you are to other drugs.


Direct_Wasabi5091 t1_j4a5dz6 wrote

I don’t get sick when I don’t smoke 🤷🏼‍♀️ I arrived at the conclusion by having medications that make me sick if I don’t take it 🤷🏼‍♀️ only 2 drugs that can kill you cold turkey is alcohol & Xanax