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blastoisexy t1_j3f8a8r wrote

Was gonna say, just let everyone grow. Could happen but might take a while. MJ at the dispensaries are super overpriced and taxed heavily. Growing would undercut that pretty hard.


AbazabaYouMyOnlyFren t1_j3h7ech wrote

Doubtful. That's a lot of work and it's expensive. Sure, some will try it, most will fail and it will be like anything else you could grow yourself.

How many people do you know that grow their own corn?


bobbyamerica t1_j3h8pyf wrote

r/spacebuckets The initial investment is a little pricey, but once you’re set up you save a bunch. Corn requires a good sized plot of land and machinery to process. Additionally, how many people do you know that grow their own tomato, peppers, squash, etc?


AbazabaYouMyOnlyFren t1_j3h9tvp wrote

That's literally my point.

Marijuana has specific requirements as well, you can't just grow any seed into a plant and just harvest when it's ready. You have to separate male from female plants to keep the female from being fertilized by the pollen and grow seeds. They need proper nutrients, humidity, heat and light in order to grow. Then there's all kinds of things you need to know bout properly trimming them etc...

I read an article years ago about this, the whole male female plant thing was a big surprise to me. I picked corn as an example, because it's not as easy as something like zucchini, which grows like crazy.