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Skintag12 t1_j3njx86 wrote

The center of Morristown is a busy bar town. The neighboring towns outside are quieter and generally have an older demographic. Check out Chatham and Madison both very great towns to live in especially with your budget


Uanaka OP t1_j3ofb8k wrote

Yea, I've certainly paid my dues living in busy bar towns so I'm really hoping to venture out of it. If I want to enjoy it, I'll drive in or uber in whatever.

I definitely appreciate the recommendations of Chatham and Madison. I was actually looking at places between Morristown and Summit too, because I will on occasion have to head out to Summit for work too. I know in the grand scheme of things, these towns are negligible distances apart while driving and it shouldn't matter too much.

I was really just hoping to learn about if there are any areas that just don't fit what I'm looking for, and just should avoid altogether.