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neekogo t1_j4u0olz wrote

Aldi, Costco, shoprite and my local Indian market are my stops. Gotta put in a little work to save money


low_effort_shit-post t1_j4xym5s wrote

time is still money, I do 90% of my shopping at trader joes, like aldi, they might not have the brands you are use to but fuck brand loyalty when they're greedy


neekogo t1_j4y3rrs wrote

Agreed. But case in point as I said earlier: i bought 7lbs of 88/12 ground beef for $3.99/lb. At my local shoprite its nearly twice that. In less than an hour I broke that 7lbs into (4) 1lb and (6) 1/2 lb packs using my vacuum sealer. Id say thats an hour well spent


Zhuul t1_j4uwhwu wrote

Anything but fuckin’ ACME


tashabunn t1_j4v1cel wrote

Definitely not Whole Foods


VaMoInNj t1_j4wcsuf wrote

>Definitely not Whole Foods

Except for eggs. Don't know how or why, but the cheapest dozen I can find (3.29) are at Whole Foods and Dash Mart.


LemurCat04 t1_j58jyoc wrote

Depends on what’s on sale and if you have Prime. Those Prime discounts can add up.


jongaynor t1_j4u1zem wrote

Aldi / Walmart / ShopRite are my weekly local loop, and in that order.

Where possible, take pictures of price labels ($x/lb) and save them to an easy-to-find album on your phone to compare. Watch your turnover rate - If bulk pricing is winning but you're tossing perishables before finishing, adjust.


onlyme1984 t1_j4ub0c8 wrote

Generally, Aldi is always the place I get the most for my money


flames_of_chaos t1_j4vlc7s wrote

Wegmans, Aldi, Lidl, local farmer's markets. You have to shop around.

Walmart isn't cheap lol.


tex8222 t1_j4uqwxs wrote

As everyone has mentioned, go to multiple stores. Each one mentioned, including ShopRite, has certain items that are better values (quality for price) than the others.


SemiEmployedTree t1_j4v78rw wrote

Agreed. For example we have found that OJ is constantly cheaper at Whole Foods than at Shop Rite.


tex8222 t1_j4vjvf3 wrote

And I don’t go to every store each week. Some stores I shop often. Others, like Lidl, maybe once a month. I generally buy higher quantities at Lidl knowing I won’t be back for a while.


ninny423 t1_j4vazm8 wrote

We shop around but get most our staples at ShopRite. I look at the free mailers every week and make a determination from there. We also go to Wegmans. If you go to Acme enough their ‘For U’ coupons are amazing. My original bill this past weekend was for $50, but with all the coupons it got knocked down to $25.

I stay away from Whole Foods unless I need specialty items.


kzapwn t1_j4u0nsx wrote

They all suck. Go with a union grocery store like shop rite.


jd158ug t1_j4uy2vp wrote

Farmer's markets for fruit and veg.


gsp137 t1_j4v15oy wrote

Costco if you shop smartly


neekogo t1_j4vlaam wrote

$3.99/lb for ground beef. Just gotta buy 7+ lbs in one shot


Wonderful_Ad3017 t1_j4vp0mz wrote

Since Lidl’s opened by me that’s where I’ve done most of my food shopping. Price and quality on point.


pinkpolo t1_j4vcg2l wrote

Depends on the item-Target is cheaper for some stuff but typically Aldi is best overall. We also do Costco for bulk items.


blinkblink48 t1_j4w746o wrote

Aldi and Walmart are the cheapest. I find I spend a lot less at Aldi over all, because there are way less items to impulse buy. If you stick to your list, Walmart has more variety


partspuke t1_j4w8mqd wrote

Get the app on your phone for your local stores. Scan items you normally buy into each to see who is the cheapest.

Me normally it’s Wegmans, Target (because their card knocks 5% off), then ShopRite.


myraleemyrtlewood t1_j4xqe2q wrote

You really have to go all over, as others have said. My brother does all his shopping at shop rite and complains about his food bill.

I buy protein from a small local chain. The rest is TBD. Definitely check out your local Indian grocery and those farmer markets. My local one was good, now it gets a lot of hate. Walmart, Target. Shop rite has good sale prices. Not great regular prices.


tonyblow2345 t1_j4y56kb wrote

I have to mix it up. Costco, ShopRite, and farmer’s markets. I like to stock up on tasty frozen things from Trader Joe’s.


Financial-Belt-802 t1_j4ye37t wrote

We do the aldi, walmart, shoprite group. But watch the sales. We usually buy whats on sale that week, a little in the freezer for variety After a couple weeks, you will find out what aldi products you like, and watch your prices on staples, you will figure out which is cheapest for what you buy.


newwriter365 t1_j54zu4u wrote

Aldi was my first choice, but now I shop Lidl. I find their produce to be much better and the stores are cleaner.


NeedToExamineClose64 t1_j4up0jj wrote

Cheapest groceries are at the food pantry; that cost nothing.
