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PracticableSolution t1_j5557wk wrote

Like most sausage making, it’s complicated, but the point of congestion pricing is to fund the MTA first and reduce traffic second. Less cars good. More butts on transit good. I think we all get that. The part that irritates is that the transit alternatives on the Jersey side, namely NJ Transit and Path and the various ferry concerns bear the brunt of it. Transit ain’t cheap and it operates at a big fiscal cost to taxpayers. Both those systems were bursting at the seams pre pandemic and this will be a new burden to bear. None of the congestion money goes to offset that burden and that’s a dick move that doesn’t get enough attention


lost_in_life_34 t1_j55athn wrote

most of that money won't even go to the LIRR or MNR or the outer boroughs. It will pay for projects in Manhattan so people don't have to walk an extra block to the subway and do nothing for the people who are driving in