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flames_of_chaos t1_j3nq3rd wrote

Probably, but by a small factor because the amount of gas vehicles compared to the amount of zero emissions cars


njmetrostars OP t1_j3o0gjz wrote

So it's a tiny portion, but when do you think that will change?


Ghost_of_P34 t1_j3o0zkd wrote

Car pollution isn't even the biggest cause of air pollution, so probably not until there is a significant number of ICE vehicles off the road.


njmetrostars OP t1_j3ocx9r wrote

That can't be true. New Jersey has nuclear power and no coal power plants. It's majority cars/trucks.


Ghost_of_P34 t1_j3oncpr wrote

The biggest cause of pollution is farming.


njmetrostars OP t1_j3pqmf8 wrote

Lol, what? There's barely any farming left in NJ. Citations please.


lost_in_life_34 t1_j3r08lr wrote

when they get the trucks off the road or make them electric. those produce the most pollution


Thin_Fondant_1015 t1_j3omtdt wrote

Making batteries creates pollution. Mining , with diesel trucks. Transporting raw materials from foreign country. Manufacturing. Then there's the electric grid that can't handle more load. Volvo released there study on electric cars, base battery 8 yrs. Before it's green. Larger range batteries longer. Then what do you do when batteries fail. No recycling yet. Also solar panels, when they start to fail (20yr life) same thing no plans.


VaMoInNj t1_j3xk7v7 wrote

They are re-using batteries that have gone past their useful lifespan in cars as excess grid storage in California. Should be doing it everywhere.

I also think the power grid issue is overblown. As prices go down and once V2L and V2G gets introduced to more cars, I actually think EV's may HELP the power grid by being able to power houses during times of high usage. If you can imagine, in the summer, you're car charges to 80% overnight, you drive it back and forth to work, plug it back in to your V2G charger at home around 50%, and then if the grid gets stressed due to high usage, your house can move over to being powered by your car, and then once the grid demand wanes, your house switches back to the grid and your battery gets charged back to 80% for the next day.


warrensussex t1_j3oyc4y wrote

20 years is for the panels to be below 70% efficiency.