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not_stanleyyelnats t1_j6r9ith wrote

You heard em folks, the government said they didn't do anything wrong. Case closed.


Torifyme12 t1_j6rbicv wrote

I mean they would be the ones to know. US AID to Ukraine is tracked decently well.


senorcoach t1_j6re7oj wrote

They'd also be the ones to lie and cover it up if some of the funds are being misappropriated. It's a proxy war. American money fights American enemy using Ukrainian cannon fodder. If Americans find out some of the money isn't being used in the right way then support for Ukraine wanes and the US gov't finds it more difficult to fund their proxy war.


HardDriveAndWingMan t1_j6rjh7k wrote

Except there’s no convincing evidence they have been misused. I’m sure some has, but to what degree is completely unknown. Could be insignificant or could be significant. What you’re working with is assumption, which is worth a lot less than this report.


senorcoach t1_j6ro3rl wrote

I'm just saying that even if the Treasury had found that there was widespread corruption, it wouldn't be announced. Whether or not there is, I have no idea.


HardDriveAndWingMan t1_j6rp2dw wrote

Maybe, maybe not. We know about all the money lost in Afghanistan because of several reports written by official US government audits. And at least this time around we’re giving the money to people who are highly motivated to use it they we way we intend it to be used.


senorcoach t1_j6rql98 wrote

If you are talking about the SIGAR reports, the only problem with that is it was so far down the road. Were there other prior investigations?

Of course, it definitely seems like Ukraine is much more willing to fight against Russia than Afghanistan was against the Taliban. But it would also be a bit foolish to overlook that government corruption isn't exactly uncommon in Ukraine. It's absolutely something that every country, who is giving aid to Ukraine, should be considering and looking in to.

But, hypothetically, would it better serve the US government's goals for Ukraine to admit that some funds were being misused or deny it now and then admit years later after the war is ended (or until so much time has passed that the war effort has already fallen out of public favor for other reasons)?


HardDriveAndWingMan t1_j6rrp25 wrote

There were earlier reports but you still make a valid point. I’m still going to wait for evidence to the contrary before I feel the need to call bullshit.


DJKoolJerk t1_j6upcj6 wrote

What's the point in embezzling yourself a Mercedes S-Class if the money you stole makes it possible for Russians to knock down your house and steal your car?


alphatok t1_j6sb8v5 wrote

It's a head scratcher for me to see so many downvotes. Your statements are entirely reasonable given the United State's history with finances of this nature.


HardDriveAndWingMan t1_j6tbbw3 wrote

There is no evidence to the contrary plus the commenter isn’t some genius because they observe that people sometimes lie. Certain groups have a vested interest in convincing the international community to stop supporting Ukraine, and convincing them that funds are being misused is one way to accomplish that. The Ukrainian people’s existence depends on international support. Without evidence the observation is at best useless and at worst harmful.