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Donut_of_Patriotism t1_j6ue8ah wrote

Literally proving my point. It’s is a resource rich region. Firstly, not all resources have been discovered since the beginning of time. They find them throughout time and some were discovered more recently. Secondly, being a client state Russia could very easily and freely trade with Ukraine on their own terms. Issue came when Ukraine toppled their Russian puppet and actually established self rule. That’s what triggered this whole thing. Russia has to take the region by force rather than just have the puppets give it to them. This is literally so easy to logically think through.

It quite literally is good vs evil. The fantasy here is the bs Russian propaganda trying to justify this invasion. I mean by god this is one of the single most blatantly black and white war since probably WW2.

Also why do you keep bringing up American involvement in other wars? It literally doesn’t matter as that’s not what we are discussing


[deleted] t1_j6uigxg wrote



Donut_of_Patriotism t1_j6vwzn1 wrote

Literally full of shit. Americas past foreign policy mistakes don’t justify Russias evil ones. These aren’t even remotely similar situations. Your whataboutism tactic is failing

But if we are going to completely ignore the moral implications and only focus on the interests side of things… The US interests while not the exact same as Ukraines are aligned here. It’s in the USAs best interest to ensure Ukraine succeeds and Russia fails, miserably. Luck for us we also happen to have the moral imperative here.

Russia has been a thorn and even an active threat to the West. They even tried to interfere in US elections and backed a fucking coup attempt. Our interests is that Russia, or at least Putin’s regime, falls. If they aren’t stopped here then we’ll have to stop them later. And if it’s later it’ll cost a hell of a lot more money and lives, including American ones. Honestly we are getting a hell of a bargain. Literally destroying Russia via a proxy war that costs a very small percentage of the military budget, let alone the cost of a war we’d have to wage ourselves. Hell we even get to test out our own equipment and clear out old inventory.

Basically it’s American money now, or American boots later. And as a male that’s the draft age, I’ll take the former.


[deleted] t1_j6vynw6 wrote



Donut_of_Patriotism t1_j6wo0zo wrote

Firstly I’m not dismissing the deaths of people who died at the hands of the US. It’s just completely irrelevant to the conversation and is a blatant attempt at whataboutism.

Secondly Trump was Russian backed, and it was more than advertising. Don’t forgot the 2016 hacking of the DNC by the Russian government, the Russian funding, the Russian bounties on American military members…

At this point you are either a Russian propagandist, or you really did drink the Fox news coolaid and believe propaganda from known liars.


[deleted] t1_j6x4ye4 wrote



Donut_of_Patriotism t1_j6x8j5o wrote

Oh wow its inconclusive, totally disproves my entire theory. Remember when Trump criticized the media for reporting on that rather than just deny it? If it didn't happen then why not just deny it?

You really are trying very hard to make Russia just seem like a good actor thats misunderstood aren't you? You actually just buy into that blantant and obvious propaganda?

Its super obvious and transparent what your doing. You know Russia is evil and 100% in the wrong in this war and so you are trying to distract by arguing about unrelated issues and trying to poke holes in my arguement, except you are using broken logic and fallacy arguments.


I'm done with this, try not to drink too much of the Russia koolaid


[deleted] t1_j6yc498 wrote



[deleted] t1_j6ytk62 wrote



Vermillion_Crescent t1_j6zv86m wrote

To be fair xxxx-yyyyyy-####, when something acts like a duck, talks likes a duck, and looks like a duck, it really doesn't leave much else for interpretation. The issue isn't me thinking you're a Russian troll. The issue is you're behaving like a Russian troll. Plenty of people can voice your same opinion, and have, without your demeanor and tendencies. You just choose to be a bad faith troll instead.


[deleted] t1_j6zxahr wrote
