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riverrocks452 t1_j9br9h0 wrote

A family friend went through the process on the other end. She had all the documentation to show it was her work, start to finish. More, truth be told, than I would ever have been able to produce if it had been me in the hot seat. Google Docs had recorded the evolution of her paper. Her citations were complete. She just used the wrong combination of less-common words, and the comp program dug up a source that matched it just enough to trigger.

I know that students get away with plagiarism all the time- even blatent straight up copy/pasting stuff. I myself was told to let it go unless it was verbatim the wiki article. But it shouldn't mean that we have a lighter trigger where we're allowed to enforce shit. Get enough undergrads attempting to sound sophisticated together and they'll eventually reproduce the language of any seminal work.


gornzilla t1_j9bsic7 wrote

I'd give the "you need to stop doing this" but they knew there wasn't going to be any real repercussions. I was teaching overseas.

As an aside, students are paid to go to college in Saudi Arabia. They treat it like a job they hate for the most part.