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Simpletrouble t1_j9mcipz wrote

Wouldn't part of it being obvious satire versus outright impersonation be some kinda fine print somewhere? I get free speech and all that but you can't have some random making too good of a duplicate of the police for a mountain of reasons


strugglz t1_j9mdg6g wrote

Per the article one of the postings was something like "we have a job opening, but minorities don't bother to apply." If that could be confused with the actual police department (I know they could be that way, but would never be that open about it) then there are much larger problems in that town.


molkien t1_j9p918o wrote

If people like Tucker Carlson can get away with the defense that no reasonable person should take his statements seriously, the same should apply to the obvious satire here.


hurrrrrmione t1_j9mqhh1 wrote

What is and isn't covered under fair use is ultimately decided on a case by case basis, so part of the courts' job here would've been determining whether the page and posts constituted parody, if they hadn't just fallen back on protecting the cops via qualified immunity.