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Independent-Dog2179 t1_j6vb5a0 wrote

It represents wealthy people who owns most of the shares and firms. (Those with a bunch of capital) thr common man is as far removed as the moon is to earth


ButterPotatoHead t1_j6wqz48 wrote

You can buy stocks with an extra $5. If you are in a 401k plan at work, you're buying stocks. I think you're being a little dramatic.


MaverickBuster t1_j79n9er wrote

You think someone who's invested $5 and owns 0.000001% of company has any power compared to someone who's invested $100,000,000 and owns 2% of a company? It is the Uber wealthy who've invested much larger amounts into companies who have sway and influence.


ButterPotatoHead t1_j7bb4uy wrote

I'm honestly trying to figure out what people are complaining about.

You can invest $100 in Amazon and watch it turn into $200 over time so you earned $100 by doing nothing but taking some risk. No, you don't have any influence over the company, but so what?

If there is some idea that only rich people can invest in stocks that is not true. You can invest an amount that is small by market standards but significant to your wealth and make a difference in your finances.