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billpalto t1_jad2s8o wrote

Women and girls going to school is against their religion, but poisoning the women and girls is not.



ibbity t1_jadinqk wrote

It makes sense if you consider that religious fundamentalists of all stripes see women as property or cattle, not as people


[deleted] t1_jae9d5u wrote



Budson420 t1_jaea2nc wrote

Sure seems like you’re victim blaming with zero evidence


[deleted] t1_jaeaatw wrote



Budson420 t1_jaecrzz wrote

You have an insane take. I bet you think women shouldn’t be allowed to go to school or have rights


[deleted] t1_jaecvbt wrote



Budson420 t1_jaed25d wrote

You are doubling down that this is somehow on the women here? What is wrong with you


Bbrhuft t1_jaeekf4 wrote

  1. Blackburn faintings (1965) – In October 1965, several girls at a girls' school complained of dizziness in Blackburn, England. Some fainted. Within a couple of hours, 85 girls from the school were rushed by ambulance to a nearby hospital after fainting. Symptoms included swooning, moaning, chattering of teeth, hyperpnea, and tetany. A medical analysis of the event about one year later found that outbreaks began among the 14-year-olds, but that the heaviest incidence moved to the youngest age groups. There was no evidence of pollution of food or air. The younger girls proved more susceptible, but disturbance was more severe and lasted longer in the older girls. Using the Eysenck Personality Inventory, those affected had higher scores for extroversion and neuroticism. It was considered that the epidemic was hysterical, that a previous polio epidemic had rendered the population emotionally vulnerable, and that a three-hour parade, producing 20 faints on the day before the first outbreak, had been the specific trigger.

  2. In May 2006, an outbreak of the so-dubbed Morangos com Açúcar Virus ('Strawberries with Sugar virus') was reported in Portuguese schools, named after the popular teen girl's show Morangos com Açúcar ('Strawberries With Sugar'). At least 300 students at 14 schools reported similar symptoms to those experienced by the characters in a then recent episode where a life-threatening virus affected the school depicted in the show. Symptoms included rashes, difficulty breathing, and dizziness. The belief that there was a medical outbreak forced some school to temporarily close. The Portuguese National Institute for Medical Emergency eventually dismissed the illness as mass hysteria.

  3. Mexico City (2006–2007) – Between October 2006 and June 2007, near Chalco, a working-class suburb of Mexico City, mass hysteria resulted in an outbreak of unusual symptoms experienced by more than 500 adolescent female students at Children's Village School (Villa de las Ninas), a Catholic boarding-school. The affected students had difficulty walking and were feverish and nauseated, some becoming partially paralyzed.

  4. Mexico City (2006–2007) – Between October 2006 and June 2007, near Chalco, a working-class suburb of Mexico City, mass hysteria resulted in an outbreak of unusual symptoms experienced by more than 500 adolescent female students at Children's Village School (Villa de las Ninas), a Catholic boarding-school. The affected students had difficulty walking and were feverish and nauseated, some becoming partially paralyzed.

  5. Vinton, Virginia (2007) – An outbreak of twitching, headaches and dizziness affected at least nine girls and one teacher at William Byrd High School. The episode lasted for months amid other local public health scares.

  6. Tanzania (2008) – In September 2008, 20 girls at a school in Tabora started fainting while taking their final year exams. The mass fainting has been linked to neurosis related to the local practice of witchcraft

  7. Afghanistan (2009–) – Starting around 2009, a spate of apparent poisonings at girls' schools across Afghanistan began to be reported, with symptoms including dizziness, fainting, and vomiting. The United Nations, World Health Organization and NATO's International Security Assistance Force carried out investigations of the incidents over multiple years, but never found any evidence of toxins or poisoning in the hundreds of blood, urine, and water samples they tested. The conclusion of the investigators was that the girls had a mass psychogenic illness.

  8. Brunei (2010) – In April and May 2010, incidents of mass hysteria occurred at two all-girls secondary schools in Brunei. The most recent notable event happened on the 24 April 2014 in a public secondary school. The phenomenon caused a wave of panic among many parents, educators, and members of the community. Some of the students affected by the phenomenon claimed to have been possessed by spirits, or jinn, displaying histrionic symptoms such as screaming, shaking, fainting, and crying.

  9. Le Roy, New York (2011–12) – After 12 high school girls developed Tourette-like symptoms in 2011, their school was tested for toxins, and all other factors for their symptoms were ruled out. The case, and some of the girls and their parents, gained national media attention. In January 2012, several more students and a 36-year-old adult female came forward with similar symptoms. They were all diagnosed with conversion disorder.

  10. Sri Lanka (2012) – From November 15–20, 2012, incidents of mass hysteria occurred at 15 schools in Sri Lanka. More than 1,900 school children of 15 schools in Sri Lanka and five teachers were treated for a range of symptoms that included skin rashes, vomiting, vertigo, and cough due to allergic reactions believed to be mass hysteria. It originated at the Jinaraja Balika Vidyalaya in Gampola on November 15, 2012, when 1,100 students were admitted to hospital with a range of symptoms that included skin rashes, vomiting, vertigo and coughing. Later, authorities had to close down the school for 3 days.

  11. Recurrent epidemic of mass hysteria in Nepal (2016–2018) – A unique phenomenon of “recurrent epidemic of mass hysteria” was reported from a school of Pyuthan district of western Nepal in 2018. After a 9-year-old school girl developed crying and shouting episodes, quickly other children of the same school were also affected resulting in 47 affected students (37 females, 10 males) in the same day. Since 2016 similar episodes of mass psychogenic illness has been occurring in the same school every year. In 2016, twelve students were affected and in 2017, a total of 18 students of the same school were affected showing various symptoms in a single day. Hence it was thought to be a unique case of recurrent mass hysteria.

  12. Ketereh, Malaysia (2019) – In August 2019, the BBC reported that schoolgirls at the Ketereh national secondary school (SMK Ketereh) in Kelantan, started screaming, with some claiming to have seen 'a face of pure evil'. Professor Simon Wessely a former president of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, suggested it was a form of 'collective behaviour'.

  13. Starehe Girls' Centre, Kenya (October 2019) – 52 students were isolated with an unknown disease, showing symptoms of a high-pitched cough, sneezing and low-grade fever, a number that later rose to 68. As the number rose, the school's administration shut the school down and instructed parents to pick up their daughters. Specimens collected from the affected students showed only two cases of rhinovirus, a virus that is the predominant cause of the common cold. After carrying out psychological assessments on the students, a team of mental health specialists dispatched by Kenya's Ministry of Health to the school concluded that the 'mysterious' disease was a case of mass hysteria.


oneryarlys68 t1_jaddvlg wrote

Lol their investigating something they deliberately did. That a sad laugh. They have been cracking down on the revolution and these Girls were bucking the system.


BubbaTee t1_jadhf63 wrote

Seeing as the girls are still alive, Iran is probably investigating why their poisons weren't more effective.


Blazze66 t1_jae3oj6 wrote

Maybe next time the men should test the poison first!


BuffaloInCahoots t1_jadz53d wrote

Good news! They investigated themselves and found no crimes. Fuck these dudes.


Fyremane0 t1_jado6qq wrote

Religious extremism at its best. Best thing to do is recognize what is starting to happen in our own nations and nip it in the bud now. Separate church and state, tax them and penalize them rather than their victims. Reward "progressive" institution's and send the rest back to the dark ages.


BubbaTee t1_jaes4t0 wrote

You have to be pretty careful with that. The Shah's attempts to secularize Iran are part of what caused the Islamic Revolution in the first place.

The Shah gave women the right to vote, divorce, run for public office, and own property, eliminated polygamy, legalized abortion, and raised the age of marriage for women to 18. Labor laws were revised to prohibit sex discrimination and ensure equal pay for equal work. The Islamists didn't like that.

>The White Revolution consisted of 19 elements that were introduced over a period of 16 years, with the first 6 introduced on January 9, 1963,[8] and put to a national referendum on January 26, 1963.
>Extending the Right to Vote to Women, who previously did not enjoy this right.[9] This measure was criticized by some of the clergy.

The Shah refused to genocide the Baha'i religious minority, which had long been hated and persecuted by Shia Islamists. The Islamists didn't like that.

>You could definitely say that there was a collation between Shah and the Shia Marja, i.e. Ayatollah Borujerdi. We have documents on this. Ayatollah Borujerdi had issued a message to the shah, saying that “we worked with you (ie. the shah and the monarchy) to bring down Mossadegh and crack down on the communist party and now expect you to work with us to crackdown on the Baha’is, who are a great enemy of Islam.” As much as I know, the shah did collaborate with them.
>Later, when things were heightened and it wasn't only about closing down the Baha’i center in Tehran, and when harassing and killing Baha’is spread to villages in Yazd, Isfahan, Najafabad and beyond, the Pahlavi government, perhaps under pressure from foreign representatives, changed its position. This is why the bill that was in the parliament and aimed to expropriate Baha’i property was suddenly dropped. The government basically found out the grave consequences of this policy.

The Shah enacted land reforms, consisting of taking some lands from wealthy clerics and re-distributing it to the poor (the equivalent of taxing religious institutions). The Islamists didn't like that.

>The first step in land reform started in the early 1950s. The Shah gave over 500,000 hectares of land to about 30,000 homeless families.[1] Before the land reform, 70% of the arable land was owned1 by a small elite of large landowners or religious foundations.

The Shah allowed non-Muslims and women to hold public office. The Islamists didn't like that.

>Khomeini also attacked provisions of the reforms that would allow members of Iran's non-Muslim minority to be elected or appointed to local offices:
>"I have repeatedly pointed out that the government has evil intentions and is opposed to the ordinances of Islam. ... The Ministry of Justice has made clear its opposition to the ordinances of Islam by various measures like the abolition of the requirement that judges be Muslim and male; henceforth, Jews, Christians, and the enemies of Islam and the Muslims are to decide on affairs concerning the honor and person of the Muslims."[21]

Fast forward to 1979, and the Islamists have taken over the whole damn country and instituted a full-blown theocracy. The Shah has fled into exile, his secular reforms will be quickly reversed, and Iran will remain a theocracy for 43 years and counting.

So there's a lesson in there about not trying to secularize everything too quickly, or else you'll invite resistance and revolution - ie, the people you're trying to marginalize and subjugate are going to fight back if they figure out what you're trying to do to them. It's like how if you throw a frog into boiling water, it'll jump out. You have to put the frog into regular-temperature water and turn the heat up slowly.

That's the most effective way to take over. It's why the military industrial complex is successful - they spent decades taking over the US government. Smedley Butler mentioned it way back in 1935, and Eisenhower mentioned it in 1961 - so that gives you an idea of how long they've been working at it.

They didn't just barge in one day like a bunch of morons in red hats and buffalo-horned helmets, and try to take control of the government in a day by shitting on Congress' desks. No, they spent years patiently intertwining their interests with that of the government until nobody could tell them apart - until "what's good for GM" became synonymous with "what's good for the country."


Productsoftheday t1_jad6pgg wrote

Shame on the regime that won't allow women the basic freedom but would go out of the way to destroy their health


mcdoolz t1_jae06ap wrote

This makes my heart hurt.


Scribe625 t1_jadi6hg wrote

The lack of humanity Muslims show towards women and girls always makes me livid. Women gave each Muslim man life just so he could make sure females have no rights and can be poisoned or killed at will as part of their twisted and distorted version of religion.


Gunner_E4 t1_jadbi8b wrote

Iran investigation steps: -Identify issue caused by Irani authorities -Cover up/suppress information -Blame the US/Israel -Profit?


amateur_mistake t1_jadglhk wrote

The principal of one of the schools is already starting by blaming the girls:

>"They [officials] tell us: 'All is good, we've done our investigation.' But when my father asked at my school, they told him: 'Sorry, the CCTV has been down for a week and we can't investigate this,'" she said.

>"And when I was poisoned for the second time on Sunday, the school principal said: 'She has a heart condition, that's why she is hospitalised.' But I don't have any heart condition!"


ARecklessRunner t1_jadod21 wrote

I'm sure this will be a nice case of, we investigated ourselves and found no evidence of wrong doing.


Objective-War-1961 t1_jadktbt wrote

Someone once told me religion for the most part does more good than harm. I'd like to ask him if he still believes that nonsense. Oh, and he also said trump wouldn't harm the country like Hillary would


cld1984 t1_jaer6an wrote

“After 12 grueling minutes, we have concluded the investigation. We did, in fact, do it. Death to America.”


ChaoticRoar t1_jaf4o73 wrote

What a strange time to live in.