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tomveiltomveil t1_ja8f6th wrote

Since it is directly relevant -- she is a beauty contestant after all -- here's a different news article that includes photos of her.


bannana t1_ja9m7qk wrote

She's pretty but not sure if she's finalist-in-a-pagent pretty but then I haven't seen the competition either


goodcreditbadcredit t1_jaai7z7 wrote

I'm straight. If someone didn't tell me she was trans I'd never have guessed. It's happened to me several times, some pictures of a woman and then I find out she's trans and I think WTF how!?


Joeworkingguy819 t1_jab0xwa wrote

Just look at the jaw line bro…


SheriffComey t1_jab5k1q wrote

One of my female coworkers has a jawline far far more masculine than this so that's not a good indicator.

And before anyone asks, "Well how do you know?". She was pregnant and had twins.....unless medical technology has vastly improved beyond what I thought.


UniversalMomentum t1_jackbca wrote

I don't think jawline really works because lots of women have big jaws and lots of men have small ones, there is too much normal variation between sexes.

I don't see how you could guess with any confidence like that.. other than like now when you already know.


RedGoodN t1_jacpy3p wrote

I see a lot of people that always say "can't tell from jawline", but like you ... I kinda can yeah. It's the shape of the face or something.

Not sure if we're different because we can recognize bio-male jawlines, if it's a brain fart because we know they're trans so our brain looks for bio-male parts or what, but I do agree it always looks a bit... Strong.