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SofieTerleska t1_j6vpmm9 wrote

Yes, I lived in Utah as well and Mormons in general tended to center their social lives around their ward a lot more than most other churchgoers do now -- I would say they're more like the average mainline Protestant or Catholic was fifty or sixty years ago in that they often live in neighborhoods with coreligionists, attend the same church, go to the same stake events etc. It's not surprising that they're more susceptible to this, but I don't think it's their particular doctrine that makes them susceptible, it's the social closeness and reliance on each other. And yes, I sat through many a Mary Kay presentation, but nothing like this. I would have thought that promised rate of return was a bit much even for the average Utah County resident.


imregrettingthis t1_j6wopq7 wrote

Mormonism is basically a giant MLM scheme. Why wouldn’t you think that factors in?