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Morat20 t1_ja0jsh5 wrote

If you ever win more than, say, a million? Go to the biggest city in your state, pick the biggest fucking law firm, and tell them you need their help to handle a sudden windfall.

They'll help you build a trust, and claim the ticket on behalf of the trust. So the winner will be the trust. They'll also file all the appropriate legal documents and affidavits claiming you are eligible to win.

Even if the State insists on speaking to the trustee (you!) and verifying it themselves, the winner will go down as -- and be publicized as the trust. And your big firm lawyer will be the one whose photo is on the wall under something like "50 million winner! 'FYIGM Trust"

It's worth the money not just because of keeping anonymity, but they'll help you find an accountant and tax attorney to structure how you get your winnings, and you can also keep a bunch of it safe from yourself -- and others.

Stick 80%+ into a trust where you can't touch the principal at all (or doing so is a huge, time-consuming process to prevent yourself from impulsive moves or manipulation) means when someone DOES work out you're rich, tough shit. You can't touch it.

You just have that 20% and the passive income.

(25m, for instance, in a trust is about 500k a year conservatively after taxes in passive income -- that's about 2.5%, minus taxes. 500k a fucking year after taxes is a lot of goddamn money, especially since you're likely debt free as well. Like 40k a month is fucking insane money)