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Trance354 t1_jadyty1 wrote

There were warnings. LP knew what was going on, and chances to stop were given.

He was restricted to using a specific register, only. If that was in use, he was put to work on menial tasks until that register was available, lines or no lines. In one instance, we pulled the person who was working, audited her till, and brought it back for him to use, while putting the previous employee on a different register.

Cameras were adjusted to have better line of sight of that register. He watched them make the adjustments.

A policy sign-off was circulated having to do with theft, grift, and consequences, as well as the consequences for lottery fraud.

He was essentially told, "We're watching, don't do it again."

Missing all those hints was ... self-destructive, at best? It was this or rob a bank for the rush, I guess.

The warnings might as well have been in neon lights, and he still ignored them.

As for ruining his life? The world still needs ditch diggers.