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Chknbone t1_j8n8ufi wrote


PopPopPete t1_j8nvl7w wrote

Bad apples are born from unhealthy trees


kizzle69 t1_j8oky78 wrote

Bad apples are born from neglect and lack of care from those who are supposed to be taking care of the trees. And 99 out of 100 times, the problem is fixed at the roots.

The only way change is ever going to happen is if people actually start paying attention to their local politics and improve their areas. These things are happening because everyone focuses on a few people at the federal level and completely neglects their local politics. So people who shouldn't be in office, thrive there. The idea of putting all the responsibility on a few people at the federal level is never going to fix things.

Gotta fix the problem from the ground up, not the top down.