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Enlightened-Beaver t1_j8pjec8 wrote

Are you actually comparing incarcerating a human being FOR 3 DECADES to going over the speed limit?


gamerdude69 t1_j8pkcq2 wrote

No, I think you're missing my point. I'm saying if the consequences for a mistake are so severe, people won't even attempt that thing anymore. You're putting prosecuting lawyers (and everyone else you mentioned) in a situation that is too precarious: they risk going to prison for 28 years for messing up their job, but if they get too timid, they let a potentially dangerous criminal to go free and then blood is on their hands.


Enlightened-Beaver t1_j8pkqli wrote

Putting someone in jail for life is extreme so if you do it you better be 100% sure with zero doubt that you’ve got the right person.

What happens when it’s the death penalty and they execute the wrong guy?

Oopsies? My bad…….