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nurglingshaman t1_j9nvswk wrote

I woke up from feeling the earthquake in Oklahoma a long while back, and I lived in Kansas City! It was scary.


Gozillasbday t1_j9oh0rh wrote

Was that from fracking though? In actuality I assume those aren't really earthquakes? I have no idea.


MrYellowFancyPants t1_j9oif3d wrote

If theyre talking about the 2016 one, its alleged that it was from fracking, but scientists also found a previously undiscovered fault line after it happened. IIRC it was also near a known fault line. So while fracking isn't great and can cause earthquakes, the big one in OK may not have been directly caused by it.


nurglingshaman t1_j9p0z4g wrote

You know, I didn't even think about that! I'm not sure either.