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Nozinger t1_j9pb4oq wrote

And northern japan isn't in a region where earthquakes should surpass a magnitude of 8.5 and yet they famously got hit by a 9.1 in 2011.
The word can't only works until nature shows us that it absolutely can if it comes to the absolute worst case.

But it is true there are probably a lot less deaths in southern california than there are in turkey but it is still going to be a catastrophic event. There will still be thousands of deaths.


jeffyoulose t1_j9rypge wrote

If the turkey quake happened in LA. The death toll would be in the hundreds and not 10s of thousands due to all those building collapses.

Just think of Loma prieta quake and the north ridge quake. Nothing in terms of mass deaths.


Kale t1_j9t445a wrote

It was kind of expected, but the Webb telescope has already found galaxies that should be too massive/dense to exist. It's likely that our current models need some tweaking.