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Fpscharles t1_j9mh66d wrote

To me, it sounds like they are testing the response times of law enforcement and looking for vulnerabilities in lockdown, evacuation, and reunification plans.


anally_ExpressUrself t1_j9o3rh4 wrote

Probably just trying to low-key terrorize. No need to look for vulnerabilities or even be physically nearby. Just make a quick phone call and watch people panic.


homerteedo t1_j9nq0ku wrote

Ugh, I hope you’re wrong.


Fpscharles t1_j9nrk1n wrote

Ugh, I’m not trying to be right. Hopefully they find who’s making the calls and wasting resources and scaring people.


ConvolutedFluid t1_j9oc6tn wrote

No need to test Uvalde. Found out just how worthless those cops were already last spring.