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FuggleyBrew t1_j9bqvmj wrote

> The EU hasn’t increased its LPG storage facilities. That will take years.

The EU increased it's gas storage, not it's capacity but total amount stored. Including storing compressed gas, enabled by purchasing LNG. Had it not been purchasing LNG it would not have been able to fill its storage, had it not decreased consumption it would not have been able to fill its storage.

>LPG is held at ports, converted into natural gas then piped into the distribution grid.

It's pipelines are part of the storage, as are the storage facilities connected to those pipelines.

>Dear god, why are you are tripling down on not knowing the least about the subject, it’s like having a conversation with the dunning–kruger effect.

You're ignoring official sources about what the EU did from the European Union itself.

>Some time in the past 12 months you clearly came up with the idea that the EU had no gas or oil fields. That they were 100% shipping all gas and oil in. I corrected you and you’re upset. Just deal with it

I never claimed that, and you know it. You're plainly ignorant of the very fundamentals of natural gas production and consumption in Europe and are actively spreading misinformation.

  • Europe decreased consumption while maintaining production through high prices, rationing consumption and mandating high storage reserves.
  • Europe simultaneously brought in LNG, because it would not meet it's requirements if it did not
  • The increases in output of some fields are not enough to meet it's full requirement.
  • The Continental EU does not produce enough natural gas
  • Norway increasing production 8% doesn't make up for a 25% shortfall.
  • To meet their requirements they cut back consumption, purchased a massive amount at a premium through the summer, and increased production
  • Next summer they will have to continue the rationing, imports of LNG, and continue looking for new sources

This year we had a mild winter, that's no reason to assume there will be another mild winter next year. Refilling the storage will require ongoing high prices and ongoing rationing (either explicit or driven by the prices), although likely without the peaks being quite as high this time.

It is going to take time for the US and other countries to meet the requirements of Europe. Some LNG terminals are coming online but not enough soon enough and not enough tankers soon enough. Until that works itself out things prices are going to need to stay high and emphasis in North America needs to be on expanding export capacity and building up internal shipping capacity.

Nordstream 1 was 60 bcm/year, Norway increased production 8-10bcm/year. Where do you think the rest of the gap was? A decent chunk of it came from slicing around 10% of consumption back from April to September (note: this is not the benefit of winter).

That consumption cut will likely have to remain for the near future.