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mod1fier t1_j752bgt wrote

I wrestled with this while reading it. I'm curious how you landed where you did.


UNBENDING_FLEA t1_j75rpa6 wrote

Yeah this feels weird. Why can’t families have different political views? One being a nazi doesn’t mean the entire family is fucked. If one of your relatives ended up being a nazi and you denounced them then why would we call you a nazi too? I feel like this subreddit loves going on weird twitteresque witch-hunts.


HighlyEvolvedSloth t1_j76lfej wrote

Did I misread the article? The Nazi and his wife were running a homeschooling program for 3,000 kids, weren't they?

There's no way they didn't know he was a Nazi, or at least leaning towards it, and they let him run the curriculum for 3,000 kids? This is in no way a witch hunt, this is making two logical steps in condemning their complicity...


monsterlynn t1_j76weog wrote

3000 families. Probably a lot more than 3000 kids.

I'm sure they knew that he's a Nazi. I read an article from a watchdog blog about Mr. and Mrs. "Saxon" where there are some screenshots of comments where the wife goes on a bit about pushback and questioning of things the kids would say from their grandparents and other family. Considering that she is an immigrant I don't think it's far fetched to assume that the family she's referring to is Mr. Saxon's.

But that would mean the rest of the family themselves are not Nazis, and just trying to be able to maintain a relationship with their grandkids. That's gotta be a difficult thing to navigate. There's a very good chance they didn't know anything about the homeschooling group until the story broke.


Shell4747 t1_j76msku wrote

I mean generally speaking you know yr close friends & relatives politics. Uncle Nazi can't be a shock or surprise, regardless of what they say when its about to cost them money. It's not a huge leap from there to "they'll put him back on the payroll one way or another if & when they can."

Could be this is too cynical a take, but I know which way to bet.


monsterlynn t1_j76wujw wrote

Probably. OTOH, they might not have known about the homeschooling group, and finding out about that might have been the last straw.