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ApprehensiveTailor69 t1_j73tsc9 wrote

American cops awfully silent about actual nazis, but black people protest and we need the national guard?


DanSchneiderNA t1_j73xkvf wrote

Some of those that work forces...


CanuckFack t1_j74bj0u wrote

Are the same that eat paste for horses?


[deleted] t1_j75thn0 wrote



paulfromatlanta t1_j73ruo6 wrote

Its an insurance agency - easily hurt by suggestions they are pro-Nazi. Probably best to eliminate that risk even if its a family member.


Yousoggyyojimbo t1_j73trqf wrote

The chance that the family didn't know what this guy was into is pretty low.


commandrix t1_j74tm5a wrote

Yeah, I also thought this smacked of damage control. Sometimes companies won't do anything about that one problem employee until it becomes a national embarrassment.


USS_Hornet t1_j74vq2n wrote

Yep, my bullshit detector went off when I heard that on the news last night.


Colecoman1982 t1_j75qtc4 wrote

Also, what are the chances that they don't either rehire him after a while and/or just change his employment status to "contractor" so that they can claim he isn't an employee?


monsterlynn t1_j770i1h wrote

They're small town where everyone knows each other so I think it's possible they won't do this.


Working-Small t1_j77eh02 wrote

Late reply, but I recommend reading the 80 something tweet thread where the expose originated. it’s quite illuminating, it seems like the family was at least partially aware something was off


Beagle_Knight t1_j78kckp wrote

Yup, it seems that the pair were pretty open about their love for nazism. Also this is a small town, where everyone knows everyone business, so the only reason they are doing this is to save face because the story went to the mainstream media.


muchaschicas t1_j73pd4j wrote

Lying pieces of shit, but that's just speculation.


mod1fier t1_j752bgt wrote

I wrestled with this while reading it. I'm curious how you landed where you did.


UNBENDING_FLEA t1_j75rpa6 wrote

Yeah this feels weird. Why can’t families have different political views? One being a nazi doesn’t mean the entire family is fucked. If one of your relatives ended up being a nazi and you denounced them then why would we call you a nazi too? I feel like this subreddit loves going on weird twitteresque witch-hunts.


HighlyEvolvedSloth t1_j76lfej wrote

Did I misread the article? The Nazi and his wife were running a homeschooling program for 3,000 kids, weren't they?

There's no way they didn't know he was a Nazi, or at least leaning towards it, and they let him run the curriculum for 3,000 kids? This is in no way a witch hunt, this is making two logical steps in condemning their complicity...


monsterlynn t1_j76weog wrote

3000 families. Probably a lot more than 3000 kids.

I'm sure they knew that he's a Nazi. I read an article from a watchdog blog about Mr. and Mrs. "Saxon" where there are some screenshots of comments where the wife goes on a bit about pushback and questioning of things the kids would say from their grandparents and other family. Considering that she is an immigrant I don't think it's far fetched to assume that the family she's referring to is Mr. Saxon's.

But that would mean the rest of the family themselves are not Nazis, and just trying to be able to maintain a relationship with their grandkids. That's gotta be a difficult thing to navigate. There's a very good chance they didn't know anything about the homeschooling group until the story broke.


Shell4747 t1_j76msku wrote

I mean generally speaking you know yr close friends & relatives politics. Uncle Nazi can't be a shock or surprise, regardless of what they say when its about to cost them money. It's not a huge leap from there to "they'll put him back on the payroll one way or another if & when they can."

Could be this is too cynical a take, but I know which way to bet.


monsterlynn t1_j76wujw wrote

Probably. OTOH, they might not have known about the homeschooling group, and finding out about that might have been the last straw.


jxj24 t1_j73thli wrote

"Goddamn 'Cancel Culture'!"

I'm sure his fellow Nazis will band together in a heartwarming display of public support.


EasterBunnyArt t1_j73yp8s wrote

So…. Marching down the local downtown street with tiki torches and yelling “they will not replace us”?


justalittlestupid t1_j7562h2 wrote

Who is they? Charlottesville was specific. They said “Jews will not replace us.”


calm_chowder t1_j75my85 wrote

Statistically speaking (as a Jew) they're correct. Jews make up 0.2% of the world population yet makes up 60% of all religious hate crimes. We're not replacing anybody, let alone white people.

Of course I know that's not what they mean though. They think Jews are somehow behind POC becoming a higher percentage of first world nations. Somehow.


monsterlynn t1_j76uuxt wrote

NGL I'm kinda tickled by the thought of those asshats just chanting bland facts.


Etzell t1_j73z1tj wrote

Wait, they were calling themselves Mr. and Mrs. Saxon? I'm sure they thought they were clever, but that's just embarrassingly lame, no matter what anglo you look at it from.


VariationNo5960 t1_j76vtm5 wrote

I'm pretty sure a company called Saxon was instrumental in developing common core math texts some years ago.


Etzell t1_j772j1d wrote

When the choices are "Do you think the Nazis used a white supremacist dogwhistle, or really liked the people who developed common core math", I'm going to err on the side of the dogwhistle.

Nazis don't get the benefit of the doubt.


VariationNo5960 t1_j774v6y wrote

I get that. But I remember "Saxon Math" talk just at the time I was getting out of teaching.


Reneeisme t1_j74hk09 wrote

Plenty of kids are homeschooled because the parent does not agree with the culture at large on issues of racism, sexism, the place of religion, or the rule of law. They want their children to never hear any philosophy or truth they don't personally embrace, and it's usually the people who hold very fringe beliefs, who are so committed to ensuring that, that they are willing to jump through hoops to homeschool. Plenty of that guy's customers sought that material out and will go right back to making sure their kids are learning pro-Nazi garbage from someone else. It was not an accident that he was providing that material, and I bet if normal thinking people took a look at almost any homeschooling curriculum, they would be shocked at what it's permissible to tell kids is "true" in the guise of alternative or home education.


SaltyBarDog t1_j74ixig wrote

What is that Duggar thing, "School of the Dining Room Table?"


ExpiredExasperation t1_j76k6ar wrote

Apparently one of the kids went to somewhere in Europe for her honeymoon... Her education left her so well prepared for the world that she was completely baffled by foreign things like fondue and... sparkling water.


monsterlynn t1_j76x70n wrote

I knew of a homeschooling family where the ten year old didn't know her parents full names or her address.

Homeschooling needs to be regulated and monitored.


SaltyBarDog t1_j77r3fk wrote

When I was married, we discussed home schooling because we lived in an area that still had many traitor statues and we weren't all together trusting of the schools. However, I have engineering degree and wife chemistry/toxicology degrees, so I think we could handle it.


JennJayBee t1_j74pph6 wrote

>almost any homeschooling curriculum

I would modify that with any religious based curriculum. Secular homeschoolers are still outnumbered, but there's enough that companies are creating a ton of content to market to them, and there's a nice variety of curriculum that covers a wide range of learning styles for them to choose from. These are often parents of children with special needs or who live in underperforming school districts.

If you want to look and pick them apart, BookShark puts some nice (albeit expensive) curated kits together. Saxon math, not to be confused with the "Saxons" in the above article, is pretty widely used. Khan Academy is a widely used free option. Pandia Press has some excellent secular history and science curriculum. Blossom & Root is a great early education option. And that's just a small sampling.


DankDuke t1_j7589sz wrote

It just seems like it depends on what the parent wants the kid to become.


morbidbutwhoisnt t1_j75btax wrote

The only people I've known to dedicatedly homeschool their children despite any outside forces such as jobs getting in the way were secular antivaxxers, like anti-vax before covid.

We won't pretend like there's no issues in religious homeschooling (obviously) but we also shouldn't pretend like there's no issues in secular homeschooling either.

(I say dedicated homeschoolers because I do know those who had the spouse free to homeschool or friends that would do so if they could economically. I know people who still prefer at home traditional schooling for their kids now since it become an option. But you know. Those that would quit their jobs without adequate support from their partners income just to homeschool their kids)


Other_Meringue_7375 t1_j75onwx wrote

They homeschooled their children so that their child wouldn’t have to get vaccinated?

It’s interesting how antivaxxers ten years ago were mostly progressives


morbidbutwhoisnt t1_j75ozvp wrote

It really wasn't "progressives" as people use it now, but most people who were anti-vax were not due to religion until recently.

They were not conservative republicans that were anti-vax in society generally at the time but most of those folks didn't like the idea of one government insurance either for example.


DankDuke t1_j7583qa wrote

As much as I agree with you, if I had a kid in a U.S. state like that and was unable to move because of economic reasons, I might homeschool my kid just to make sure they know about CRT....And history.... maybe math too. Fuckin A, it feels like the education system is being systematically dismantled.


Yo_Just_Scrolling_Yo t1_j76pzsx wrote

Yep, it's been going on for years and liberals (or whatever you want to call us - good or bad) feel like we have been screaming into an abyss. I'm old and tired. Not sure how long my friends and I can continue and we make no progress. We are in Florida.


Reneeisme t1_j76vanw wrote

You can teach them those things yourself though. I agree that public education is under attack, but as a parent you can supplement as long as public school curriculum is only omitting important things (and they obviously always are, because they are teaching to a commonly agreed upon pool of knowledge that is never going to include everything your kid should know) It’s only a serious problem if they are teaching untruths as fact and doing it extensively. Which is what far right homeschoolers perceive to be happening in public school.

Homeschooling makes sense when you think public school is teaching your kid a lot of things that are wrong AND you don’t want them to develop the habit of questioning the knowledge they are given. You don’t want then to be in the habit of thinking about what they learn and deciding what is true. You have to both disagree with what they’ll be taught and not want them to hear that people can have other opinions.

My kids had teachers with a far right bias who told them all sorts of horseshit as “fact” but they weren’t harmed by that because they brought it home and discussed it with me, and with their friends and with other teachers. They learned how to sift through bullshit to form and strengthen their own opinions. My kids had a solid foundation from me that was improved by everything they heard from their various teachers, right and wrong, because all of it taught them to think and question and seek out information and come to independent, well thought out conclusions. I will agree though that if I lived somewhere where everything they taught my kids was patently wrong, homeschooling would have more appeal, but I doubt that’s often the case, UNLESS you think a huge number of things our culture accepts are “wrong”. (Like racial and sexual equality, man’s place in nature, the role of government in legislating sexual freedom, bodily autonomy and sexual identity, etc)

If your goal is simply to create unthinking people who do as they are told and never question your worldview, you don’t expose them to anyone else’s views whether you agree with them or not. You seek out curriculums that echos your “alternative” worldview and you never suggest to them that there are any other valid opinions on the matter. Ie: you homeschool them.


monsterlynn t1_j7718ci wrote

Sometimes, though, the kid is just really really smart and good at learning and the school system doesn't have the resources to provide them with a meaningful education.

It's not a common thing, but it is a legitimate reason to homeschool.


Reneeisme t1_j77j9us wrote

Yes, as is legitimate medical need (a kid who can't afford to be exposed to typical childhood illnesses, for example). There are reasons to homeschool. There are not nearly as many as there are kids who are homeschooled.


Qlinkenstein t1_j779mp7 wrote

I had a 15 year old kid work for me last year and I had to teach him how a tape measure worked.

"If I tell you to cut something 10 feet long or 120 inches it is the same thing. If I tell you give me a 2x4 that is 5 and a half feet long, find the 5 foot mark and add 6 inches."

He couldn't figure it out, no matter how many times or how much I showed him. I eventually had to let him go because he fucked up so much lumber that was effectively paying him more than my head carpenter. When I suggested that he focus on math, he told me his mom and dad weren't good at math either. Good thing they decided to home school him...


Reneeisme t1_j77j1qx wrote

I get involved with kids like this at the college level and that's exactly the sort of "difficult to bridge" gaps in learning that I see across the board. I spoke to one kid years ago after he was kicked from his university class for repeatedly copying from others on tests and even worksheets. I'm not sure, but it seemed like he'd never produced work on his own, his entire educational career to that point. He was homeschooled and the parent would apparently mostly do the work and then he'd just copy it. I guess they thought he'd absorb it by copying it, but what he absorbed was the idea that he'd just always be expected to copy. The idea of knowing enough to actually produce something himself, instead of just copying someone, seemed foreign to him. I don't know how to help a kid who has so fundamentally missed out, but he dropped out so I don't know what would have happened had we tried. I hope he got a job somewhere, but I don't know how.


5xad0w t1_j742i5u wrote

“this disturbing and secretive behavior.”

We honestly had no idea our Nazi family member was a Nazi!


Saito1337 t1_j74mpwd wrote

Yeah I'm sure they had no idea at all and aren't just cutting him free to save their own asses. Yep I believe that one...


OkWorldliness6311 t1_j76jb19 wrote

It’s a family business. I would be surprised if their own family actually needed CNN’s help to figure out that these family members are Nazis. In fact, I wouldn’t be shocked to learn that, media statement notwithstanding, not a damn thing has really changed at The Lawrence Insurance Agency.


RogerWilco92 t1_j74s21a wrote

Conservatives and Nazi's are finding it harder and harder to survive in a progressing world. So they resort to trying to cripple our education system, and indoctrination efforts via homeschooling. Attacking democracy and progress from multiple angles.

It's also why you see an increase of "trad-wife" stuff. It's much easier to turn an uneducated and dependent mother (and by proxy her children) into a conservative and/or Nazi.


InclementImmigrant t1_j74h6k9 wrote

Somehow I'm hard pressed to believe that this family owned company didnt know of the views of this his brother.


RenRen512 t1_j76lz0y wrote

I'm not. Lots of people in this thread are calling BS and sure, it's possible.

But keeping secrets is what these people do. They lead double lives precisely because deep down they know society at large does not approve of their crap. They hide behind code words and secret online groups to find like-minded bigots and that's where they can let loose.

For every Proud Boy or Oathkeeper that's "out," there's dozens if not hundreds more going about their day shoulder-to-shoulder with you and you won't ever know. That's the scary thing.


monsterlynn t1_j76y1i7 wrote

Also, they could know, but not "know-know". Like in the uncomfortable conversations at Thanksgiving and topics to avoid way, as opposed to he's part of an organized group putting out white supremacist curricula for homeschooling way.


Repubs_suck t1_j73v2g4 wrote

I had to open up the link to know for sure.. Guessing it was either Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas or Ohio. Ding, ding ding — OHIO!


monsterlynn t1_j771mb4 wrote

Michigan would be another possibility. We have a lot of that crap here, too.


grixit t1_j75joa4 wrote

"Gay Afro Zionist" is the name of my new Dead Kennedys tribute band.


monsterlynn t1_j771gx5 wrote

The nomenclature of these people is so laughable.

I wish they didn't have any social traction because they are so clownish.


ofimmsl t1_j73z4do wrote

The layoffs have hit home


thisismyredditacct t1_j76p98c wrote

But I thought the real danger is drag queens reading books and people being taught black history.


ThePhonesAreWatching t1_j75nrw3 wrote

How much you want to bet he gets hired back the second things die down.


Colecoman1982 t1_j75qkd2 wrote

Or, paid "job" by "job" as a "contractor" so they can continue to claim he's not one of their employees...


macross1984 t1_j74c1al wrote

Minimize damage by cutting off source.


GingerBread79 t1_j7781r5 wrote

"But sharing such curriculum does not violate state law, and there is likely little the state can do to change the curriculum."

Yet Ohio is one of those states with CRT bans.

"The District vehemently condemns any such resources,” he wrote. But he also wrote that homeschooling parents are the ones who are ultimately “responsible for choosing the curriculum and course of study; the parents’ chosen curriculum is not sponsored or endorsed by the District.”

There really needs to be more regulations for homeschooling curricula.


McNuttyNutz t1_j762r5o wrote

Upper Sandusky why am I not shocked


BarCompetitive7220 t1_j76url9 wrote

Ohio is a 'right to work" state, does that mean it is a "right to fire" State?


Potential-Detail-896 t1_j7ar2o6 wrote

I suppose it's safe to assume CRT was not included in their curriculum.


gthing t1_j74jv0m wrote

This is one of the worst written articles I’ve ever seen on a real news site. After three paragraphs I have no idea wtf we are talking about.
