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Thegarbagegamer97 t1_j82ih0v wrote

Non-corrupt (or at the very least less corrupt) leader takes office and makes decisions genuinely beneficial for something BESIDES their own wallet… a most certainly welcomed sight in these trying times


enzovrlrd t1_j8543tu wrote

Non-corrupt is simply not true. He had to pick a former adversary as his vice president because so many of his former party colleagues are in jail. Lesser evil is still very far from being good


Thegarbagegamer97 t1_j854bkp wrote

In a day and age where things are getting worse by the minute, even less bad is an optimal choice over the status quo.


enzovrlrd t1_j856oct wrote

Not disagreeing with you there, just stating that we ought not to forget what good means. Bolsonaro is a stupid jerk and it's great he lost but we still need to be on top of what Lula is doing so that we don't risk facing the big scandals of the past. It's the only way we can push things to be better


Thegarbagegamer97 t1_j85766a wrote

So true. And to clarify, i understood what you meant, just threw in a personal lament over how bad things are when a still bad but less bad choice is actually a sign of hope for the future