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Total_Customer_6627 t1_ja9nnb5 wrote

People who desecrate religious worship sites are assholes. Just leave folks alone.

Is that difficult?


MajesticOuting t1_ja9uliv wrote

When you have religious fundamentalist messing with other religious fundamentalist does it cancel each other out?


Mythosaurus t1_ja9yncl wrote

Unfortunately no, bc they inevitably try to draw the rest of us into their fight.

Like how those fascists kept attacking power substations to spark a race war. They understand that they need to raise the temperature on the public to get random acts of violence flowing.


DantesDivineConnerdy t1_jaa6tjz wrote

This mosque in Philadelphia was not a fundamentalist mosque, so that doesn't seem relevant.


RapedByPlushies t1_jabnj8t wrote

> People who desecrate religious worship sites are assholes. Just leave folks alone.

If it’s not yours, don’t act like it is.