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pegothejerk t1_ja9o3v1 wrote

> Security cameras caught the man spray-painting symbols and phrases including "Jesus Christ" on the walls and doors of Masjidullah – The Center for Human Excellence

Dude is so woefully undereducated by his own church that he doesn’t know Jesus was Jewish and didn’t dislike temples, he whipped the shit out of people who misused or abused them.


jeveret t1_ja9oy9k wrote

Muslims don’t have a problem with Jesus, they believe he was a good guy, just that he wasn’t god.


TitaniumGoldAlloyMan t1_ja9qf5o wrote

Not only that. Jesus is a prophet for Muslims. And his mother Maria is a very important figure in Islam too.


MarqFJA87 t1_ja9zlax wrote

And there's an Islamic prophecy about Jesus coming down from his abode in Heaven during the End Times to confront the Antichrist and rally the remaining faithful – whether they were already Muslims or weren't but had rejected the Antichrist and later embraced Jesus' call upon his arrival.


Sad-Excitement9875 t1_jacifzs wrote

Don’t think anyone of the 3 Abrahamic religions believe Jesus was god, Christians believe he was the son of god for example. But they all do acknowledge him as an important religious figure in someway or another


as-saalik t1_jacmdir wrote

It is orthodox Christian doctrine that Jesus Christ himself is fully God and fully man.


AudibleNod OP t1_ja9ofqk wrote

"Be careful not to do your `acts of righteousness' before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.

Matthew 6:1


cantproveidid t1_ja9ok2y wrote

Greatest PR coup in history was the Roman church saying the Jews killed Jesus.


AppeaseThis t1_jaa7f5h wrote

Yes. Painting the words "Jesus Christ" on a mosque is all you need to convert people to Christianity. I paint "molest kids" on southern baptist and catholic churches. Like that's going to make them do it.

Maybe I need to re-think this.


Trips_Nicely t1_jaarp4v wrote

As far as I am aware, Jesus is already considered a prophet in Islam.


AppeaseThis t1_jabcsyk wrote

Jusiasm, Christianity, and Islam are Abrahamic religions snd pray to the same god. Not sure these religous facts penetrate the mind of people who vandalize and paint follow Jesus messages on mosques in an attempt to convert them while defacing their sacred place of worship.


bdboar1 t1_jac8aib wrote

They’re all praying to same the same god but all want to be acknowledged as the “real” followers. It’s selfish bullshit.


yamaha2000us t1_jad2i3f wrote

They all pray to god to smite their enemies down.


AppeaseThis t1_jadamou wrote

Because he created everything and everyone and loves us... or something like that. Faith isn't faith when you've got a proverbial gun pointed at your head.


Total_Customer_6627 t1_ja9nnb5 wrote

People who desecrate religious worship sites are assholes. Just leave folks alone.

Is that difficult?


MajesticOuting t1_ja9uliv wrote

When you have religious fundamentalist messing with other religious fundamentalist does it cancel each other out?


Mythosaurus t1_ja9yncl wrote

Unfortunately no, bc they inevitably try to draw the rest of us into their fight.

Like how those fascists kept attacking power substations to spark a race war. They understand that they need to raise the temperature on the public to get random acts of violence flowing.


DantesDivineConnerdy t1_jaa6tjz wrote

This mosque in Philadelphia was not a fundamentalist mosque, so that doesn't seem relevant.


RapedByPlushies t1_jabnj8t wrote

> People who desecrate religious worship sites are assholes. Just leave folks alone.

If it’s not yours, don’t act like it is.


SpindriftRascal t1_ja9xk2j wrote

Anyone who tries to convert you to their religion is an asshole and anyone who tries to scare someone out of their religion is an asshole.

Basically, leave people the fuck alone.

(Which also means keeping your religious bullshit off our laws.)


RedneckLiberace t1_ja9v6sp wrote

One of the inherent problems with Christianity is their claim that non-Christians are destined to go to Hell. Defacing a mosque is the kind of crap that happens when people believe they're better than non-believers.


ExplosiveMachine t1_jaa2hlx wrote

You mean any religion? I don't want to do a whataboutism here but "we're the good guys, everyone else is going to hell, and any bad deeds we do unto them are justified" is like the basis of most (abrahamic?) religions, islam included.


RedneckLiberace t1_jaa4ae7 wrote

Christianity and Islam are mirror images of each other when it comes to believing they're the “true” faith.


No-Contract709 t1_jaaxocg wrote

There is no hell in judaism, and there is no moral requirement to follow jewish laws unless you actively choose, of your own will without coercion, to be jewish.

evangelicalism defines the largest world religions because conversion obviously grows a following faster. By quantity, though, there are more cultural religions than evangelical ones


Jungiya99 t1_jabi2m7 wrote

That’s not how it works in Islam. It’s a lot more complicated. There are so many that would never have heard the message of Islam. Most who heard but never truly heard enough. Those people will be tested on the day of judgment and those who pass will enter heaven. That’s what I’ve heard so correct me if I’m wrong.


CharToll t1_jab545x wrote

Honestly, Christianity and Judaism need to get their shit together on fast tracking their religion for converts. Islam keeps it easy. Say “Praise Islam” BAM! you’re a Muslim. Say “Fuck Mohammed”, BAM you’re not a Muslim. Makes joining and leaving the fairy tale so easy


[deleted] t1_ja9sjqq wrote



Grogosh t1_ja9v8m4 wrote

Skipped right over that whistle and went for the shout.