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urnewstepdaddy t1_j8v9wq7 wrote

She just can’t stop losing


fjbruzr OP t1_j8vauf1 wrote

I think it’s part of the plan at this point. The more she loses, the more her lunatic fans will believe that she’s being persecuted by the evil left. Shit like that fills up rallies!


Sebekiz t1_j8veehi wrote

Sadly this is probably exactly it. Her losing over and over just "proves" how everyone is out to get her. Q Anon is probably going in to overdrive to spin this fantasy.


LezBReeeal t1_j8wkk7k wrote

This is a grift. I think she is still fund raising off of this.


san_serifs t1_j8wh0bv wrote

Losing loser Kari Lake keeps losing.


Dirty_Quesadilla t1_j8yz3lk wrote

That sounds like a great movie for the OAN/GAC/Faux News:
“Losing Kari Lake.” 😂


Dblreppuken t1_j8wjmz8 wrote

But she just announced recently that her two pronouns are "I" and "won"! Surely this cannot be!

/s because reasons


008Zulu t1_j8vc2ha wrote

Republican't stop losing.


DonnieJuniorsEmails t1_j8wh72o wrote

it's like trumplethinskin said, they're tired of winning.

I didn't think they would embrace losing so much, but ok.


Lito_Frito t1_j8xgepm wrote

Sore losing isn’t as easy as she makes it look


Duluh_Iahs t1_j8v9b6n wrote

Please for the love of fucking christ just disappear


Dingusssssssssss t1_j8vasci wrote

But the think of the grifting she has been able to do. Candidates shouldn’t be allowed to keep the left over money from their campaigns. It should be turned over to their party, or split between the states school districts.


VorAbaddon t1_j8vihpw wrote

Shes already appealing to the Supremes. The grift continues


VagrantShadow t1_j8w1gta wrote

Shes like that determined roach that does not want to leave and does not want to stop pestering everyone in the home


MinuteLow7426 t1_j8xa4v6 wrote

It’s her faith in Christ that keeps her here sadly. When you base your life on a book that allows you to interpret anything the way you want, and the voice in your head is a direct communication with God, you struggle with reality when it goes against you.


4myoldGaffer t1_j8vbxi6 wrote

Why her face look like skeletor?

Remeber the he man with dolph lundren?


Witchgrass t1_j8yg35b wrote

I had already forgotten that I donated to her opposition when she was running if that makes you feel better


VeteranSergeant t1_j8x338a wrote

Another good time to remind everyone how the margin of victory in Arizona was roughly 17,000 votes and Arizona lost 31,000 people to Covid prior to the election, with a dramatic difference in vaccination rates between Democrats and Republicans in the state.


dnhs47 t1_j8x8xuu wrote

Yep, Republicans killed enough of their own in Arizona by politicizing masks to lose the Arizona governorship.

We’ll done, losers! No vaccine, no mask, sprint toward the day your grifter leaders and moronic enabler base are all dead and your party irrelevant. Can’t happen soon enough.


Toonces311 t1_j92twrw wrote

I had a bad case of loser denial....until the lacrosse team shoved a parking cone up my ass.


G-bone714 t1_j8wnaw9 wrote

The whole “the election was rigged” thing is starting to turn against politicians who use it. Seems the public is so tired of it, their opinion of candidates using it is souring. FINALLY!!


hurdurBoop t1_j8w9601 wrote

this sounds like a case of not enough maga rube money.

let's go rubes, dig deep into that ramen fund and save the constitution.


Intelligent_Load6347 t1_j8w36dg wrote

I actually hope she keeps at it forever. There is no better advertisement for Democrats than talking Republicans.


2ndtryagain t1_j8v7ars wrote

Nelson Laugh Gif playing on repeat forever.


fake_fakington t1_j8wb0d5 wrote

Damn she's still going? At some point can't the court just fucking disbar her lawyers for cynically abusing the court and wasting its time and the public's money?


monty_kurns t1_j8x0n4p wrote

We've seen some of Trump's lawyers be sanctioned and a few disbarments, so it is possible! I just wish the threshold for it were lower when it comes to this kind of stuff. The whole purpose is to undermine the the system, not to correct an actual wrong.


w0lfmancer t1_j8vmzf4 wrote

So she technically lost twice? Wow what a loser.


Sweatytubesock t1_j8vwmls wrote

God, just go away you lunatic con artist.


Squire_II t1_j8wukb8 wrote

> The court said that even a witness called by Lake to testify had confirmed that ballots that couldn’t initially be read at polling places could still ultimately have their vote counted.

Forget the facts, gotta keep the right wing outrage machine going.


dlc741 t1_j8xt30r wrote

She's still demanding to talk to the Elections Manager


drinkingchartreuse t1_j8vfg3p wrote

How many times, and how many ways, do we have to confirm that you lost?


kwangqengelele t1_j8y6z89 wrote

She is a perfect representation of modern American conservatives.


Cold-Reflectionz t1_j8wg8dx wrote

I hope this discourages and keeps a large number of gop from voting next election in her state.


dnhs47 t1_j8x9feg wrote

Nope, I live in Arizona and they’re all psycho QAnon believers who will double down with even crazier candidates next time.

Plus we have Kristen Sinema running for re-election, who’s hated by everyone, but will split the vote and create a real chance of crazy-ass Kari Lake becoming a senator. What a fucked up state.


MynameisJunie t1_j8xpxig wrote

Why can’t she just be good person?


Epicassion t1_j8y69ms wrote

Good and the GOP don’t intersect any more.


RedAss2005 t1_j8wgzi2 wrote

How can they just reject it. She said she won and the other side cheated. I'm surprised they didn't install her and nullify everything since the election. /s


CamRoth t1_j8ytm4f wrote

Go away Kari, nobody cares.


BassLB t1_j8x4u95 wrote

Of course she didn’t win, bc I won. Fellow redditors, please send me money to fight this injustice! If everyone sends me enough money, I can prove I am the rightful winner and it was just collusion keeping my name off the ballot and a left wing conspiracy that I never had my name on the ballot and don’t live in AZ! SEND MONEY NOW!!! YOUR DEMOCRACY AND FREEDOMS DEPEND ON IT!!


PaleontologistClear4 t1_j8yhmbl wrote

Girl needs to shut up, sit down, and accept her loss gracefully (I'm not sexist, I have nothing against women, I'm actually a feminist). I know that'll never happen, because the far right is the biggest group of hypocritical narcissists that I think I've ever seen. It's kind of refreshing to see it's starting to backfire for them though.


ottermann t1_j8wn8ex wrote

The only thing a loser can't do is admit they lost.


CharToll t1_j8wwcjn wrote

She and Trump should start their own party: The Losercrats.


Pure-Huckleberry-488 t1_j8x7bx3 wrote

At what point does it go from her using her rights to use the court system to her advantage to her wasting the courts time and being held in contempt?


fjbruzr OP t1_j8xs2m6 wrote

After the first court case, the judge talked about sanctions, but eventually decided against them.


1x54f t1_j8xurs2 wrote

Parker Lewis she aint!


SaltCow4298 t1_j8waps1 wrote

Ahh another crazy having issues ?


_Panacea_ t1_j8wp1hz wrote

Why can't she feel shame? How do you remove that from a person? Is she a psychopath?


namotous t1_j8wprk5 wrote

She’s winning at losing


Sorcererslk t1_j8x3lq8 wrote

Oh to lose over and over again and claim your pronouns are “I won”. Sad trash


Mental_Attitude_2952 t1_j8y2cwv wrote

You're in end stage capitalism when people turn losing elections into a cottage industry. Seriously, this crossed over from challenging an election to straight up sedition. She is actively working against democracy at this point. Throw this asshole in jail.


Superb_Health9413 t1_j8yq96g wrote

Con phony righteous indignation and outrage is a big money maker for them and also for the social networks.


bidhopper t1_j8zwz24 wrote

This woman is a nasty boil on America’s butt. She was claiming foul before Election Day.


ravenloreismybankai t1_j904lji wrote

Holy Hannah she looks rough in this photo. Where is that soft filter which doesn’t make her look like a dull Joker in drag? Her forehead creases have creases.


fjbruzr OP t1_j904xxa wrote

Plus, it’s common knowledge that people with very thin lips are psychopaths.


SpaceTabs t1_j8waj8x wrote

One giant leap for mankind.


billpalto t1_j8wudjb wrote

" ... presented no evidence"




Imaginary_Bicycle_14 t1_j8wvxni wrote

Damn woman how much can one keep losing till they jump off a two feet high bridge?!? I mean there has to be a time when one decides enough of the ass whopping in court. Oh and Kari Lake is part black and she doesn’t know it.


Bitter_Director1231 t1_j8x6i01 wrote

Losing is the only thing Republicans have a fetish for so they can use their dog whistle terms and Fox news talking points.


Steppyjim t1_j8xv70z wrote

She’s gonna talk to that judges manager


Bralesslover t1_j8ydbfi wrote

Give it up already lady😴😴😴😴


Big_Palpitation7095 t1_j91wvfx wrote

She is wasting everybody’s time. Stop whining. Ya lost.


Gnarlstone t1_j8y4vwn wrote

In related news Vaseline stocks plummet.


GryphusOneACX t1_j8vbgk3 wrote

If she was a Democrat this wouldn't even be posted


dobukik t1_j8veaow wrote

Because it probably wouldn’t happen in the first place.


DesdinovaGG t1_j8vg4l6 wrote

If you were an axolotl this wouldn't even be posted.


scarreddragon28 t1_j8viorc wrote

Oh god I don’t even know why but I found this comment to be absolutely hilarious and can’t stop laughing! Maybe it was the choice of axolotl versus any other animal.


hurdurBoop t1_j8w9dy9 wrote

"hey bruh check out this post, it's totally going to own the libs"


Fryceratops t1_j8wc2qx wrote

If she was a democrat the party would have shut this down months ago. She lost and rather obviously so.


IvoShandor t1_j8we2n0 wrote

If Woody had gone right to the police this never would have happened.