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MeatsimPD t1_j9hrgiy wrote

>Miller has not been charged with a crime

Of course, he was a responsible gun owner after all


derpaherpa t1_j9isqre wrote

It wasn't his gun, it was the gun of the guy he gave it to.


MeatsimPD t1_j9itmvj wrote

Exactly and it's not like I should face consequences for what anyone else does with my gun that I just handed them without knowing what they were gonna do with it. I mean gun sellers do it all the time what's the problem


aenima396 t1_j9ivn0v wrote

No. As in the friend called Miller and asked Miller bring the friends gun to him. The friend had left it in Millers car.


[deleted] t1_j9hzex6 wrote



MeatsimPD t1_j9ia731 wrote

No not "responsible" as in he should face consequences responsible, "responsible" as in leave me alone I can do whatever I want responsible