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AudibleNod OP t1_j9fbez2 wrote

>“Product with batch codes ZLZHZF and ZLZHZZ both with a UPC Code of 300871214415 and a “Use By Date” of “1 Mar 2024” should be disposed of or returned to the place of purchase for a total refund,” said Reckitt.

Emphasis mine.


>No illnesses from the formula have been reported.

That's a small mercy at least.


maybebatshit t1_j9fjcbw wrote

I'm so tired of all of this shit around formula I could scream. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they're recalling this instead of letting children get sick. But I'm a mom who can't breastfeed with a four month old I'm ready to rip my hair out. We use the most general and I would think common formula and we can't find it on the shelves half the time, I can't imagine what the moms who have to use plant-based are dealing with right now because that was hardly stocked as it was.

It just seems so absurd that it's this hard to feed our babies in the year 2023.


immalittlepiggy t1_j9fk497 wrote

With it being more and more common to have trouble finding formula, someone could make some serious money if they created an app that lets you check the stock of all the stores within a certain distance of you for your chosen formula.


notunek t1_j9flglv wrote

So sorry you are going through this when you should be carefree and enjoying a new baby.

It doesn't help that some people are searching stores and buying it in case someone needs it. We had a man in my town buying up a stock of it and talking to stores about when it might come in. He had good intentions, storing it for homeless families. However some mentioned that since there were no babies at his shelter then he should not be adding the the problem of taking it off the shelves just in case.


maybebatshit t1_j9fnpvr wrote

I knew I likely wouldn't produce with this baby since I hadn't with the other two and a lot of people kept either pushing me to stock up or started trying to hoard for me. I wish folks would realize we're all trying to feed our babies and to just buy what they need in the moment so the next parent can do the same. I know it's good intentions but it's making things so much worse.

The assholes out there buying out stocks of it to turn a profit make me wish I could believe in God because they deserve a special place in Hell.


maybebatshit t1_j9fodh5 wrote

I appreciate that! We actually got a Sam's memberships and a Costco membership just to open them up as options. It's been hit and miss (definitely way more miss) in store, but mostly they'll have stock online. It just takes a week to get here so we have to scramble trying to find enough to last. I'm sure we could buy a ton at once when they have it but other people need it too.

It's just frustrating. I'm sure you know better than me since you had a baby when the shortage was at it's worst. I'm glad you're through it!


notunek t1_j9ftcee wrote

I agree completely. We saw what hoarding caused during the pandemic, but at least most people could find substitutes for what they needed. Feeding a baby is different.

People tried to talk to the guy that was stocking up, telling him that there wasn't enough formula to feed babies now and going to all the stores to get formula for a baby that might show up in the future was depriving babies that needed it in the present.

You have my sympathy and I hope this problem improves quickly.


Crying_Reaper t1_j9fth91 wrote

Yeah, for a long time the near by Sam's didn't even have a spot for formula. You had to go to customer service to get it since people kept trying to horde it. But yeah our little chunk ate more than my wife could produce and not being able to find formula at times got stressful as fuck. Thankfully our pediatrician would give us a few sample cans of we asked and they had any to spare if we had exhausted all other options.


Diarygirl t1_j9fv9q5 wrote

What's upsetting to me is when people say "you should be nursing your baby anyway" as if it's that simple. There's a multitude of reasons why women can't or don't want to nurse.


Imthecoolestdudeever t1_j9fykci wrote

It is so fucked up. We were told to get the hypo allergenic stuff for our 4 month old, and that powder can be more dangerous, as it isn't sterile.

So, that leaves the premade liquid, that's insanely priced.

So not only are we having a hard time finding the stuff, but it also feels like every other food right now, over priced and under sized.


diezel_dave t1_j9g9tq2 wrote

California is already going to be making insulin because the private sector failed in many ways. Seems like California should open a formula factory as well.


BussSecond t1_j9gap0m wrote

It hurts so much when people say things like this when it’s already so hard. I always wanted to breastfeed 100%, but due to minor complications at birth, I was not able to supply my baby’s needs all the way and so I had to add a little formula to his diet. I’ve been trying so hard to get off of supplementing with formula. I pump every couple of hours throughout the day and it hurts physically and emotionally. It’s hard for me to not to feel like a failure.


maybebatshit t1_j9gfg28 wrote

I was right there with my first. I could not produce enough and I tried so hard. I felt like such a crap mom pumping and nursing and pumping and nursing all the time just for him to not be fed. When I finally had to come to grips with my limitations and go to all formula all I could think about was how much I was failing him. I have two others that I also had to formula feed, but I knew that would be the case and after going through it the first time I was mentally prepared.

My oldest is 15 now. He's bright, healthy, hilarious, kind and we are genuinely close. Not in some weird way either, he is social and has plenty of friends. He tells me about his life, we hang out all the time, I mean we are bonded. I feel bad when other parents get so excited that their teen chose to hang out with them because that's my normal. All of my kids are the picture of health, and all of them are super close to me, which were my two biggest fears. They're more than just fine and yours will be too!

Also you aren't failing, you're doing everything you can and your baby is getting everything they need from you. In fact by seeing how much you care I know that you are killing the mom thing. Big hugs, I know how hard it is.


VoluptuousGinger t1_j9gg0gm wrote

My 3rd and last just came off formula last month, and I couldn't be more relieved that I never have to worry about this particular shortage again. It's already hard enough being a parent without worrying about how you're going to feed your baby.


BussSecond t1_j9hjwo0 wrote

Thank you for your kind words. I have to remind myself that I'm not alone in this. It's all too common to experience and feel what I'm going through. I am very fortunate in many aspects of life, so I have to keep perspective when this gets me down. My baby is healthy, and I hope to have as great a relationship with my son as you do with yours.


ratch3tmuffin t1_j9ioigl wrote

This is so incredibly frustrating and anxiety inducing. My baby eats this considering milk-based formulas mess with his stomach...and I'm barely producing breastmilk at 7mos pp.