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SatanicNotMessianic t1_j86gjmh wrote

We can dig through the efficacy of treatment programs, but just to get a feel for the kind of question we are trying to answer, how would you feel if we were to hand a book of moral philosophy to a rapist and were able to with perfect foresight tell that they would never rape again?

Would your first impression be that they got away with something, or that they were successfully reformed and do not require further punishment? I’m coming from a theory of justice angle here just for kicking things off.


silasgreenfront t1_j86lk7p wrote

I'd feel immense relief. Mostly for any potential future victims and, to a lesser but very real degree, for the rapist himself. I'm not religious at all but I grew up in a deeply Christian household and that concept of redemption still influences me a great deal.


SatanicNotMessianic t1_j86mhkg wrote

I think we are very much on the same page, and I really appreciate you taking the time to talk with me about it.